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It's not convincing to say you are a child of God if you have none of the characteristics of your Father.
A child's learning is a function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher.
Each culture has its own characteristic manner of locomotion, sitting, standing, reclining, and gesturing.
Furthermore, it is significant that the marked characteristics of this race are being here emphasized most.
I'd like to say that parody is a celebration of a person's specific characteristics, as opposed to mockery.
One of the key characteristics of the comic book medium is that it is not brought to life by just one voice.
Transience is one of the fundamental characteristics both of the human condition and of the political order.
It is from the blues that all that may be called American music derives it most distinctive characteristics.
I always try to make a voice to go with the characteristics - if the guy's a hothead or he's cool, whatever.
The characteristics of an authentically empowered personality are humbleness, clarity, forgiveness and love.
The most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery is its wilderness.
But I'll try to immerse myself in as many of the formal characteristics of site as possible in the landscape.
I'd say that, to be a good deal maker, you have to have 3 basic characteristics - timing, timing, and timing.
I'm very sensitive. Emotionally, I bruise very easily. I'm a Leo, and this is very characteristic of our sign.
It is characteristic of the emotions of the very young infant that they are of an extreme and powerful nature.
My characteristics are to control the game, stay in the middle and organise the team, but I can adapt as well.
Procrastination in the beginning and precipitation towards the conclusion is the characteristic of such bodies.
You cannot analyse your personality. It is like trying to understand the essential characteristics of a person.
One of the consistent characteristics of the tech industry is an endless labelling of technology and approaches.
Sometimes when people start dating a hot piece, they take on some of their boo's characteristics unintentionally.
The most important characteristics you need to succeed in business are resilience, determination and persistence.
We believe we can put out the best products if our engineering workforce has the same characteristics as our user.
When I was a player, I wanted to win the Ballon d'Or, but I knew my characteristics; I knew that it was impossible.
The four characteristics of humanism are curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race.
I watched a lot of Alessandro Nesta videos, as he had similar characteristics, studied carefully and applied myself.
If your life becomes only a medium of production, then many of the good human values and characteristics will be lost.
It is a singular characteristic of love that we cannot hide it where it exists, or pretend it where it does not exist.
I have a lot of characteristics that would normally be present in a guy and then less that would be present in a woman.
The poverty found in rural areas has some characteristics that are very different from the poverty found in inner cities.
Standing, standing, standing - why do I have to stand all the time? That is the main characteristic of social Washington.
Absurdity is one of the most human things about us: a manifestation of our most advanced and interesting characteristics.
It's important to recognise every player is different in their own characteristics, personality, and what they respond to.
I know I am judged unfairly by my physical characteristics and ostracized because of that so I say, "Yes, I'm a black man."
There's no denial that one's gender orientation is certainly a core characteristic of any person, but it's not the only one.
When you play characters, you shouldn't just be putting on their characteristics - you should be finding it inside yourself.
It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment.
Most people who use the Internet seem take its nature and characteristics for granted, like we take air and water for granted.
It's obviously a characteristic of human beings that we like to feel superior to others, but our problem is we are not superior
Now it is characteristic of play that one plays without reason and there must be no reason for it. Play is its own good reason.
For me, there are no 'between players' in football. For me, there are clear positions and clear characteristics for all players.
Shareholder activism works when activists understand something about the characteristics of the business that the board doesn't.
Properties have different characteristics, like companies, and the market throws up more opportunities because it is inefficient.
I steal things from people, characteristics, and I just stock them in my head like a library to use for characters in the future.
The art of utterance persuades initially by its music and its rhythm, before semiotic or personal characteristics come into play.
The proposition that humans have mental characteristics wholly absent in non-humans is inconsistent with the theory of evolution.
The talent for discovering the unique and marketable characteristics of a product and service is a designer's most valuable asset.
The distinguishing characteristics of mind are of a subjective sort; we know them only from the contents of our own consciousness.
Overall, the challenge of leadership is both moral and one of developing the characteristics that make us respected by one another.
There is no pulse so sure of the state of a nation as its characteristic art product which has nothing to do with its material life.
Fidelity to the subject's thought and to his characteristic way of expressing himself is the sine qua non of journalistic quotation.