A character is what he does, yes - but even more, a character is what he means to do.

When you create a show, and create characters, these people are like children to you.

Usually with film writing I start with characters, and set about writing their story.

I'm quite surprised by how many people grew up with this character [Doctor Strange ].

Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time.

There is nothing more to be esteemed than a manly firmness and decision of character.

We are poor in character when we think getting by is a substitute for doing our best.

sometimes knowing when to give up is the real test of character... -annabelle granger

It always helps me connect with characters, to think about what music they respond to

I'm an actor's director. I love it when talented actors can bring characters to life.

I try to act as a man of character if no one is watching or if the world is watching.

As long as I can wear a wig I can be any character, and in real life I can be myself.

Whatever a man wants badly and persistently enough will determine the man's character.

Sometimes, if you leave yourself open, an actor can bring nice nuances to a character.

I don't even like to show midriff - it's my characters who are always showing midriff.

Just being the first person to bring the character to life is really fun and exciting.

Money is not a measure of a man's character or success in the arena of public service.

Those whose character is mean and vicious will rouse others to animosity against them.

I need to get lost and sometimes my characters lead me to places I don't expect to go.

Niceness is a decision, a strategy of social interaction; it is not a character trait.

You know you are really famous the day you discover you have become a comic character!

It is not the events in our life that define our character, but how we deal with them.

Where does any novelist pick up any character? For the most part, in town, to be sure.

Alike for the nation and the individual, the one indispensable requisite is character.

If you carry the weather with you, then character is determined by the prevailing wind

Copiousness and simplicity, variety and unity, constitute real greatness of character.

Getting into a new relationship is like pouring Miracle-Gro on your character defects.

It is only the superficial qualities that last. Man's deeper nature is soon found out.

I've come to realize that real growth of character takes place in the valleys of life.

The actor needs to find out what the basic fight is in every character in every scene.

As adults, we try to develop the character traits that would have rescued our parents.

I'm drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist.

Good character is the single most important attribute of a successful and worthy life.

I want people to like me. They don't have to always like my characters, you understand

My first job is to write the characters as full and authentic people as well as I can.

Character Education helps to create an environment for caring and learning in schools.

Every story starts with an idea, but it is the characters that move this idea forward.

If you can just actually let the character be for a bit, then you get the right sense.

A man has more character in his face at forty than at twenty - he has suffered longer.

The character of God is today, and always will be, exactly what it was in Bible times.

It is the genus that gives the characters, and not the characters that make the genus.

When you are developing a character you have to bring so much of yourself to the role.

We must support our rights or lose our character, and with it, perhaps, our liberties.

Twitter is most suitable for me. In the Chinese language, 140 characters is a novella.

Mine is really - Ziggy Stardust, characters, "Let's Dance." That's me in the American.

I really wanted our male characters to be a lot stronger. We gave them careers, lives.

If you're lucky enough to get to play a character for a long time, it's life-changing.

It is only when our characters and events begin to disobey us that they begin to live.

I always try doing a different character for every film so it's not just changing one.

No one has lived a short life who has performed its duties with unblemished character.

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