A nation's institutions and beliefs are determined by it's character.

You treat characters like people you meet in life-friends or mentors.

A scientist is an unlikely character to put at the center of a movie.

I think the characters are supposed to be an open book, blank canvas.

Age, habits of business and experience have modified many characters.

What's the trick to writing a great female character? Make her human.

I have conquered an empire but I have not been able to conquer myself

The character which results from wealth is that of a prosperous fool.

Truly, spiritual courage is on the endangered character-quality list.

What attracts me specifically to roles is the heart of the character.

I want to prove to people that I'm an actor and not just a character.

I don't ever want to do the same character twice. Variety excites me.

You just drop a character like this that and the other and it's done.

My work is to know the characters intimately and to tell their story.

Any writer would rather dig into character than dig into fancy plots.

Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage.

It is to be lamented that great characters are seldom without a blot.

I begin with an interest in a relationship, a situation, a character.

It's quite quick for me to know if I want to play a character or not.

I pulled the Johnny character from the Jamaican Johnny Too Bad thing.

Failures not a bad thing. It builds character. It makes you stronger.

Success gives the character of honesty to some classes of wickedness.

I want to play challenging characters. You should never be satisfied.

A reader doesn't really see the characters in a story; he feels them.

Character is destiny and character is important to American campaigns.

I really would love to play a hannibal lector or PSYCO type character.

People will follow you when you build the character to follow through.

Character is a strange blending of flinty strength and pliable warmth.

I'm going to do my best to channel the character on a spiritual level.

Twitter is my happy place. I am not there to overthink 140 characters.

As most characters are that I play, there's a lot of me in it, anyway.

If you don't have obsessions, don't write. my characters are obsessed.

Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type.

As bad a dresser as I am, anything beats being judged by my character.

Writing can give full meaning to characters and avoid pure stereotype.

Characters don't belong to anyone, not even the person who plays them.

It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate.

We build our character from the bricks of habit we pile up day by day.

The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.

Mercy Watson was a character that had been in my head for a long time.

Adversity builds character and character takes you places money can't.

You will be better advised to watch what we do instead of what we say.

Did you ever think how a bit of land shows the character of the owner?

Nothing perhaps affects man's character more than the company he keeps

People forget that we are character actors and we can do other things.

If you put people in a corner, you see what their character really is.

Failure's not a bad thing. It builds character. It makes you stronger.

Multiple characters make it more difficult to showcase each character.

Conscience is the frame of character, and love is the covering for it.

Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion.

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