I believe in climate change.

I believe it's less risky long-term to embrace change.

I believe global warming and climate change are real threats to our planet.

I like working with people. I believe change can only come through collaboration.

I am always for change. But I believe in slow and inevitable change and not a forced one, all of a sudden.

I believe there's fate, and then you have personal choice. I believe we have the ability to change our fate.

I believe that climate change represents one of the greatest threats to our national security and our planet.

I don't write particularly to effect social change. I believe writing can do that, but that's not why I write.

I believe that the United States has a moral and economic imperative to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

I believe climate change is real - and I believe we have to act to protect the climate as fast as we possibly can.

I believe in career cycles and when one is close to ending you start to plan things. It's the moment for a change.

Change can be uncomfortable and scary. But I believe change exists to teach us to appreciate and enjoy the right now.

I believe that 99 percent of successful TV shows change an immense amount from the pilot to the tenth or twelfth episode.

I believe climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs.

The world is changing, and I believe that, if I want to stay employed as a programmer, I'm going to have to change with it.

Things change, although I believe that certain principles - of attacking, entertaining football - should always be protected.

I don't think it's an accident who our parents are; I believe we choose them. So maybe I chose my parents in order to effect change.

I'm a fast learner, and I believe in change, and I believe in growing, and I believe in moving forward and not staying in the same place.

I believe in reinventing oneself if one has messed up and is repentant and actually makes an effort to change for the better, I'm all about that.

I play fictitious characters often solving fictitious problems. I believe mankind has looked at climate change in the same way, as if it were a fiction.

I run for president because I believe that we can't just save the American dream; we can expand it to reach more people and change more lives than ever before.

I want to use my position of leadership to help move along at a faster pace what I believe and know the Obama administration wants to do around the urgency of climate change.

I believe that Gandhi was correct. Non-violent civil disobedience is the only way to bring about change that allows people to enjoy the change and not get killed in the process.

I believe activism is the true source of change in the world. Pushing to change social structures in communities that you are a part of is critical for making real lasting change.

I believe that Bitcoin is going to change the way that everything works. I want entrepreneurs to tell me how its going to change. Build the equivalent of an Iron Man suit with Bitcoin.

I believe that the decisions which govern all our lives, the laws we must all obey, and the taxes we must all pay should be decided by people we choose and who we can throw out if we want change.

I believe you have to get rid of toxicity in any company. Don't care how smart, how talented, how long they have been there. If someone is going to create a toxic environment, you have to make a change.

The 200 years when Britain and the US were the top two economies were an aberration and that will change. The decline of empires has happened much faster than folks think. I believe that gold will be a far better bet in 20 years than the dollar.

Obviously I am a photographer and I believe in my medium: I do think that powerful photographs can force change. It doesn't take long to look and be engaged in a strong image whereas, with a story, you have to actually sit down and pause and be involved in it.

I believe there are aspects of the narrative that become easier to understand by shifting the focus of the story to the characters. Illustrating growth and change in the protagonist becomes a simpler process, and these changes are, in fact, one of the themes of 'Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice''s story.

This past year has been something else... it's opened my eyes to many things and many people. It's had its ups and downs and ins and outs. And I believe we've all been able to take something from that and grow in our own imparticular ways. We've over come obstacles, and set in motion opportunities that can change our own individual lives.

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