I was never after celebrity status.

I use my celebrity status to inspire someone, to give them hope.

When you win, suddenly this celebrity status is hoisted upon you.

Isn't it amazing how celebrity status preempts even the most ingrained hatreds?

I find celebrity status difficult to bear when I am in the company of my mother.

I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.

To be perfectly honest, I feel I have a duty to use my celebrity status in a positive way.

I just am grateful for every opportunity to go to work. I don't really focus on celebrity status.

Celebrity status for me came slowly. I wasn't an overnight sensation. I had time to prepare emotionally.

If you don't fit into this kind of like gossipy, trendy, Web-hit thingy, you're relegated to sort of second-class celebrity status.

I love to utilize my celebrity status in a responsible and constructive and substantive manner. I like to get my hands dirty rather than a photo op.

I'd love to have a career like McConaughey or Shia LaBeouf - I love him in everything he's done. Despite his celebrity status, he's such a human being.

I think of myself as a musician and not a celebrity. Celebrity status is something you have to deliberately pursue - I couldn't imagine myself seeking that.

Obviously, I don't like to use my new celebrity status as a way to get first class service at a restaurant. For me, it's just more special to use it for good.

There's a sense most notably with my movies that for people to turn up, and make them big, you have to have a celebrity status. But it's not a choice I've made. It comes to you.

My celebrity status allows me an opportunity, allows me a pulpit to preach and reach out to the people. Not even always preaching but just leading, motivating them by being a leader.

It's really difficult to navigate attention and stardom and celebrity status and still try to maintain yourself and hold onto your intelligence and integrity. It's really challenging.

When you have a celebrity status, people feel inspired by you people. They start to emulate what you are doing. So it inspires me as a celebrity to do something which is for greater good.

I shy away from celebrity status because I don't want to be known as that guy. But I had a chance to partake in the events and the festivities of the Kentucky Derby, and that was a huge honor.

I never feel insecure about my career because I believed that in some way or other, good things come to you. This might be the only reason that I never take pride in stardom or a celebrity status.

My house has always been like everyone's house. You walk in, you're a part of the family, no matter who you are, what celebrity status you are, everyone is treated the same - with love from my mom.

Broadcasts from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange have propelled once-obscure financial journalists such as Maria Bartiromo to celebrity status and made CNBC to investors what ESPN is to sports fans.

I think I've matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it's not about the celebrity status that you receive because you're doing the next hot movie. It's about doing good work.

So, I didn't get moved up because of celebrity status or anything like that. I got in line, and I passed the test. And they realized that I was sick enough, and as soon as the liver became available, I got one.

I don't mind doing the whole red carpet thing when I have to when it comes to publicizing a movie. But besides that, I don't like those kinds of things at all. Celebrity status is not really something that appeals to me.

In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, celebrity endorsements possibly damaged Hillary Clinton, since they allowed Donald Trump to emphasise that she was part of an out-of-touch elite. That is ironic, given that Mr Trump owed his election victory to his own celebrity status on a TV reality show.

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