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I thought my Beatles LPs sounded pretty good on a record player, but that was before I had heard a CD.
It's nice to finally have a CD out which reflects my songwriting, my singing and the band that I have.
So many bands play to tracks - what's the point in coming to see them live if they're playing to a CD?
I wanted to make a classical piece that was actually designed to be a CD, not designed for performance.
The first CD I ever bought was Gwen Stafani's first solo album. She was the light of my life when I was 8.
It's important for country fans to know that I'm not just trying to come in and take their money for a CD.
I always think about making a CD you can hear in your car, your house party, with wonderful energy for all.
I actually don't listen to CDs very often. I listen to the radio or if I do listen to a CD, it'll be a mix.
The first CD I had was 'Definitely Maybe' by Oasis, and I had a tape of' 'Parklife' by Blur when I was nine.
I am not a huge follower of music and tend to like one CD and play it to death, usually when I am washing up.
Every record I make, I want people to feel what I used to feel when I used to crack open a CD and press play.
I started with a website, Jasonmraz.com, pre-YouTube. You could e-mail me directly, and I would send you a CD.
I give away CDs at shows if someone wants a CD but doesn't have any money. I wouldn't want to do that forever.
Whenever you listen to a CD or an album, it gets tiresome hearing the same thing over and over and over again.
With the internet, things are so much more immediate. People taste-test things to see if they want to buy the CD.
I would never lay down a pre-programmed set and perform to a pre-mixed CD; I would never cheat my fans like that.
If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them.
Something we do every tour is to choose a song for the team CD that gets played in the dressing room prior to games.
I did 'The Frank Skinner Show,' and they gave me a little jukebox-shaped CD player, which looks nice in the kitchen.
My dad has a huge vinyl collection downstairs, but I was never too interested. The only CD I had was by Adam Sandler.
I'm a huge fan of home recording. I think it levels the playing field. You don't need $100,000 to record a studio CD.
The prime minister in Belgium gave our album to Barack Obama. I was really surprised that he decided to give a CD of us.
Actually, attorneys say, copying a purchased CD for even one friend violates the federal copyright code most of the time.
I've been doing musical theater since I was a kid. And look for a CD from me in the future. I want to write all the songs!
I consider a CD or a comedy collection as a record of what I've been doing, and I try to wrap it up and start new material.
Every American college student goes to college with a hard drive. They take their laptop. There's not a CD player in sight.
There's no question that a vinyl record is a lot nicer than a CD. It's nicer to hold in your hands, you can do more with it.
You can't take up all the music bins at a CD retail outlet with Spice Girls CDs and leave nothing for the Joan Jett catalogue.
I get a new CD, and it takes me a month just to get into the entire thing, where I start getting acclimated to it, so to speak.
I remember, after getting my very first CD player for a birthday, I immediately purchased the soundtrack to the movie 'Grease.'
If a kid goes and buys a CD at Best Buy, we have no idea who the person is, how many times they listen to it, or anything like that.
It is significant that one says book lover and music lover and art lover but not record lover or CD lover or, conversely, text lover.
I don't know which way I'm going. My next CD might be country, might be Dylan, might be Mick Jagger. I don't know. I love a challenge.
Would you go into a CD store and steal a CD? It's the same thing, people going into the computers and loggin' on and stealing our music.
New clothes are a great way to deal after a breakup. A good mix CD also helps you get through it and... you know, 72 hours of ice cream.
I don't shop beats. That was never my method coming up. I think it's very strange to have a CD of 30 or 40 beats and then just pick one.
Some of my most important musical experiences were from a burnt CD with songs my friend downloaded for me at a terrible digital quality.
The goal of mass transit is to convince people to abandon their cars, which feature such enticing accessories as CD players and elbow room.
I never paid attention when the LP became the cassette and the cassette became the CD and now we're dealing, you know, with MP3s. It's okay.
I would ditch school if my CD was scratched up or I couldn't get batteries. I wasn't trying to get on the bus and not be listening to music.
If you look in my CD case, you'll see it's Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, now I can't think of anyone else, but all that stuff.
I look forward to putting out the new CD and doing the television performances to show everyone that B. Brown is back. In fact, I never left.
When I need some energy in the morning I can put a metal CD in my player, because it gets me going! Classical music will send me off the road!
I find anonymous music frees me best. Chinese pop can be perfect. I can't decipher anything on the CD label; there is nothing I can hang on to.
People hang their hopes on you fitting into their CD collection in way that they have made a space for, but I'm playing a longer game than that.
We recorded our first CD, Sixteen Stone, with a small budget and never dreamed that we would enjoy such a high success. It was simply fantastic.
Well, I was in the generation of CDs, so when I moved to L.A., I think I probably brought my Shania Twain 'Come on Over' CD and that's about it.
It's definitely been a long, long... long, long, long, long, long journey since I was selling burnt CD's out of my backpack in downtown Oakland.
My CD collection has a lot of world music - lots of Indian, African, Portuguese, Greek, Italian music. Because of my husband, a lot of jazz, too.
Whenever I see something that looks like it could be good - whether it's on vinyl, CD or cassette - if it's not too expensive, I'll take a chance.