I really can't categorize the Muffs music.

I don't categorize food as bad or a guilty pleasure.

I love finding - or inventing - ways to categorize people.

I don't think you should categorize yourself as an artist.

To me now, I don't really categorize music - I see music as all one.

People like to understand and categorize things in order to understand.

I think we have to get beyond the idea that we have to categorize people.

I would categorize Die Antwoord as pop music: extreme, futuristic pop music.

Never categorize yourself, society does that to you, don't do it to yourself.

Some artists say 'Don't categorize me.' I'm saying 'You can't categorize me.'

Society wants to categorize everything, but to me it's all African-American music.

A director is a director. We shouldn't categorize one into a this or that director.

I cannot categorize 'Allama' into one specific genre. The movie is beyond boundaries.

It's like everyone wants to categorize you as this and that until you've made your own mark.

I like to try to categorize my thoughts into informing, influencing, and inspiring, if I can.

Hogan's' came from left field. It isn't 'McHale's' and it isn't 'Combat.' You can't categorize it.

I love comedy. That's what got me into the arts. I don't even know how to categorize myself anymore.

Most people say, 'Well, Earl, you sing the blues,' or however they want to categorize it. I just sing songs.

If I were to categorize what I sing, I have many different influences, and a lot of them are from back in time.

I want to be an artist you cannot categorize at all. You can't put a box around me. You can't put anything around me.

We don't want to categorize our music. Some people say you need a definite musical direction to give a group visibility.

I don't categorize characters into one syllable. These are fully-rounded characters that I don't judge; I just play them.

I just want to make great music. There's not a genre that I would categorize it as, but I want it to be true and authentic.

Racism seduces us with its desire to categorize, shutting out the living and breathing and 'different' world all around us.

There's been enough building of fences with labels trying to categorize artists, limiting artists' ability to be themselves.

For me, genres are a way for people to easily categorize music. But it doesn't have to define you. It doesn't have to limit you.

If you can't categorize a film for a studio, it's really difficult for them to wrap their heads around it and give you the money.

I don't categorize myself. I don't think I'm perceived as a female act by my audience. My fans include just as many men as women.

I would not openly categorize myself as a sullen teenager, but that kind of role comes more easier to me than a bright, perky thing.

I just think it's patently absurd for scientists to categorize objects on the basis of the numbers of objects that they can remember.

I believe that every single person attached to a film is a character and nothing more. I don't categorize them as hero, heroine, etc.

A lot of people want to put you in a slot. They want to categorize you. So I fought that, because I liked all different kinds of music.

I'm not the only one that people try to put in a box. I think it's easier for people to understand things when they can categorize them.

For better or worse, I don't necessarily categorize myself as a method actor; I'm not going to make claims that I stayed in character 24/7.

I understand that it's good tactics to categorize me as a close-minded, unobjective extremist, but nobody that respects me has those views.

There is no real way to categorize McLean's 'American Pie' for its hybrid of modern poetry and folk ballad, beer-hall chant and high-art rock.

Society cannot continue to disable themselves through their need to categorize people or make assumptions as to another individual's abilities.

I don't categorize myself as an 85-year-old woman who has written an erotic novel. I categorize myself as a writer who's written an erotic novel.

In the male homosexual community, we love to label and categorize and organize each other as if we are in a never-ending high school biology class.

My way of living and working is that I'll do my thing. I went from one thing to another. That annoyed people. They didn't know how to categorize me.

It turns out that I'm far too schizophrenic musically for people to categorize me. I think people judge me a lot before they ever really know who I am.

I think... the history of civilization is an attempt to codify, classify and categorize aspects of human nature that hardly lend themselves to that process.

Without words to objectify and categorize our sensations and place them in relation to one another, we cannot evolve a tradition of what is real in the world.

With anything I do, it's hard to categorize it. With any project, I just go in and blindly start writing songs and then find out which way we want to go with it.

I wouldn't categorize myself as R&B or hip-hop. I don't really know how to categorize myself. I'm still working out where I fit with that stuff. I kind of think of myself as pop.

Don't let the world define you. In the world of acting, and I think in any profession, really, people are really eager to put you in a box and categorize you as one particular thing.

When I started in comics, people were always trying to classify me as either/or. Either a writer who appealed to women or a writer who appealed to guys. This need to categorize was just exhausting.

It was very important thousands of years ago to categorize things. I can eat that plant, I can't eat that plant. Or this tribe, not that tribe. We don't have to do that anymore - we have processed food now!

We, as a people, we have a strong need to categorize everything. We put labels on everything and it's a totally understandable need because we are animals and we need to understand order and where to fit in.

We like to categorize things into showy things and deep things, you know, and things that are high music - important music - and shallow music. And I think that's dangerous, because there's often a mix of both.

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