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In case you haven't noticed, I'm a lover not a fighter.
Marry or marry not, in any either case you'll regret it
Before you go, would you sign that case of balls for me?
I'm a white male in power. In many cases, I'm the enemy.
As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.
In some cases radiation reduces the incidence of cancer.
Horror writers are specialists in the worst case scenario
In any case, the fear of subservience is quite imaginary.
In case you're an alien and you're reading this: BITE ME.
In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases
It's hard to say what role race really played in my case.
A good lawyer knows how to shut up when he's won his case.
The whole campaign was a tragic case of mistaken identity.
Our brains deal exclusively with special-case experiences.
It's not always the case that Muslims have been theocrats.
Well, if I don't get at least 16 hours, I'm a basket case.
Just in case God isn't dead, our astronauts carry sidearms.
The fact is, we are a nine-member court that sits on cases.
General principles should not be based on exceptional cases.
In the case of Enron, we balance our positions all the time.
In the pleading of cases nothing pleases so much as brevity.
In my case there was no first love. I began with the second.
Just FYI, in your case, I think it’s okay to fear the reaper.
I want to work on cases that I feel the most passionate about.
Governor Tinubu’s criminal case is of international dimension.
Vanity dies hard; in some obstinate cases it outlives the man.
I do not decide cases based on personal or policy preferences.
I was 12 minutes late. Let's not make a federal case out of it.
Good luck in most cases comes through the misfortune of others.
I always laugh when I read about sexism cases in the newspaper.
Misery still delights to trace Its semblance in another's case.
Revolution in the modern case is no longer an uncouth business.
To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery.
You're not a moron. You're only a case of arrested development.
I come to every case with an open mind. Every case is new to me.
Everything can be known and, in some cases, everything is known.
In some cases non-violence requires more militancy than violence.
Nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person.
Certainly the O.J. Simpson case was a turning point in my career.
In case you're wondering why Guy Fieri is here, he won a contest.
I don't think it's really possible to share someone in most cases.
I tried to decide each case based on the law and the Constitution.
Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself.
You cannot make a business case that you should be who you are not
Think wrongly if you please, but in all cases, think for yourself.
The facts of the case will always have the better of [an] argument.
It's not the heart that compels conclusions in cases, it's the law.
There are plenty of cases of war being begun before it is declared.
There are more than 4000 landing trace cases from around the world.
The case against a fully independent central bank is strong indeed.