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Title IX, whether voluntarily or via court cases, opened gymnasiums to women, produced uniforms and schedules and buses.
Of some calamity we can have no relief but from God alone; and what would men do, in such a case if it were not for God?
It seems to me that if you can't make a good solid case for your faith, you don't have a religion, you just have a habit.
In my own case I have frequently faced the pitcher when I had no desire whatever to hit. I wanted to get a base on balls.
Whatever you have read I have said is almost certainly untrue, except if it is funny, in which case I definitely said it.
We don't have any measures in most cases of the health of our social relationships, of what we're giving to the community.
I have never thought about my sexuality being right or wrong. To me it has always been a case of finding the right person.
Despite being bailed out - in some cases repeatedly - by the public purse, the automakers have shown little public spirit.
We can't any of us do all we would like, but we can do our best for every case that comes to us, and that helps amazingly.
Christianity has not conquered nationalism; the opposite has been the case nationalism has made Christianity its footstool.
Most maidens are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves in my experience, at least the ones worth something, in any case.
My dad was a loyal congressman until his death. The Congress didn't respect him after his death and filed cases against me.
Death will come in any case, and there is a long afterwards if the priests are right and nothing to fear if they are wrong.
The learned are seldom pretty fellows, and in many cases their appearance tends to discourage a love of study in the young.
Love came when you weren't looking, except in the case of millions who found mates on Match.com, but, hey. It sounded good.
It's my job to really commit myself to the material and the project and be proud of what I've done, and I am in most cases.
There is something about a poet which leads us to believe that he died, in many cases, as long as 20 years before his birth.
There are many cases around the world in which the presence of UN peace-keeping forces has had a somewhat beneficial effect.
You don't have to vaccinate every man, woman and child in the country if you have a couple of cases of smallpox cropping up.
We're not willing to give black leaders second chances because, in most cases, we're not willing to give them first chances.
If you're African American, you are forced into making different choices, in a lot of cases, than you are as a white person.
One of the things that is assumed about actors is that they are extrovert, which is almost never the case, in my experience.
Theatre owners cannot threaten actors with defamation cases and take them to court or seek compensation for losses incurred.
In some cases, some people do get depressed in the middle of their grief, and they really need to be treated for depression.
I've done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price - which has been the case most of the time.
A lot of cases, what makes you an interesting and complex person makes you a really horrible person to be with romantically.
In my own case, the most inflammatory statements I have ever made are ones that I have written and remain willing to defend.
Never go out to meet trouble. If you just sit still, nine cases out of ten, someone will intercept it before it reaches you.
We cant go around picking up every pile of dust in the place just in case it turns out to be Gregor in the morning." -Pg.242-
Centre supports Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh in Polavaram and Mahanadi cases. They are sidelining the interests of Odisha.
It's not a case of: 'Read this book and then you'll think differently. I've written this book, and I don't think differently.
Do not be perturbed with by an ill-bred person; in most cases the one who is unsociable has a liver complaint and bad nerves.
I will say that the high road can get so high that you can get a nose bleed, in which case you have to get off the high road.
[Filming Payne] that was also the first time I worked with JoBeth Williams, which was also a case of not being the last time!
In such a case the writer is apt to have recourse to epigrams. Somewhere in this world there is an epigram for every dilemma.
In rap, as in most popular lyrics, a very low standard is set for rhyme; but this was not always the case with popular music.
You’ve got to guess at worst cases: No model will tell you that. My rule of thumb is double the worst that you have ever seen.
I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story.
It's in the dictionary. And when I find what it is, I'll write it down in case it comes up again, I'll be certain to avoid it.
To diminish the cases in which the assistance of others is felt absolutely necessary is the only genuine road to independence.
I was a prosecutor for many years, I'm a crime victim myself, and I've tried so many cases I don't even know how many anymore.
I'm very tough on crimes where there are victims who have been physically harmed. In such cases, I do not believe in leniency.
I think there's few cases in history where the C.E.O. steps down and is also the founder and reports to someone and that works.
My counsel advises me that there is no controlling legal authority or case that says there was any violation of law whatsoever.
This walking business is overrated: I mastered the art of doing it when I was quite small, and in any case, what are taxis for?
In case you haven’t noticed, there’s not a plethora of engineers here. (Devyn) Plethora? What kind of girl word is that? (Sway)
Working as a producer, an arranger, and, in some cases, as a writer for some other people gave me a super different perspective.
I have no more to say. If this be the case, he deserves you. I could not have parted with you, my Lizzy, to any one less worthy.
It's the old case against symbols: if you get them, they seem obvious and artificial, and if you don't, you miss the whole point.
Tracing, freezing, and return of stolen assets has proved in many cases to be exceptionally difficult for most African countries.