The Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation made a bobble head of me and sent it to my management. No card, nothing.

Gambling with cards or dice or stocks is all one thing. It's getting money without giving an equivalent for it.

People who recognize that money won't buy happiness are still willing to see if credit cards will do the trick.

It's no wonder the Tory Party opposed identity cards, since so many of them struggle to find an identity at all.

I've fought on some big cards. I've fought in some big arenas, on televised cards, pay-per-view cards, whatever.

But gamblers know how a man can sit for almost twenty-four hours at cards, without looking to right, or to left.

If you play your cards right things are going to happen in the long run. In the short run, it is anybody's guess.

No one lives on credit in France because banks don't allow overdrafts and zero percent credit cards do not exist.

Money should never change one’s values…. Making money is only a report card. It’s a way to tell how you’re doing.

I received a card the other day from Steve Early which said, "Don't Worry Me--I am an 8 Ulcer Man on 4 Ulcer Pay.

I married him for a green card. We had a really great, caring relationship; it just obviously wasn't right for me.

I got Mary pregnant and man that's all she wrote. And for my 19th birthday, I got a union card and a factory coat.

Do you want to feel insecure? Count the number of Christmas cards you sent out, and then count those you received.

Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquor for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want.

What I do doesn't sit well in the world of hipsterville. I don't have a cool card, but I also don't have thin skin.

Sometimes a 3-1 favorite loses. That's why they call it gambling, and that's why they keep flipping over the cards.

In a few years there will be only five kings in the world the King of England and the four kings in a pack of cards.

I remember visits to the local libraries and getting my own library cards as things of rite-of-passage significance.

My early years as a 'speaker' involved note cards that shook like a leaf while I held them because I was so nervous.

To say that George Lucas cannot write a love scene is an understatement; greeting cards have expressed more passion.

I'd sooner live among people who don't cheat at cards than among people who are earnest about not cheating at cards.

I don't have a wallet. I carry my driver's license and a couple of credit cards in my phone. That, and a money clip.

With the first money I got, I built my parents a house back home, gave them a string of credit cards, and said 'Go.'

Surely, if we can land a spaceship on Mars, we can certainly put a voter ID card in the hand of every eligible voter.

When you go into a situation, and you're honest and straight-up about something, you put all your cards on the table.

My idea of hell is a girlfriend ringing up and saying, 'Let's go shopping and have cocktails.' I'd rather play cards.

Stop it now and take control. Write this on a card and pin it up where you can see it... MY THOUGHTS CONTROL MY LIFE!

The bizarre world of cards is a world of pure power politics where rewards and punishments are meted out immediately.

Humanity is living off its ecological credit card and can only do this by liquidating the planet's natural resources.

It is wonderful to see persons of sense passing away a dozen hours together in shuffling and dividing a pack of cards.

The Allman Brothers Band has a long, storied history and I wouldn't count them out. It's just not in the cards for me.

I know about the rules but this should not be a red card for the keeper. Arsenal was punished enough with the penalty.

Growing up in San Diego, my main interests were the Beatles, Louis Armstrong, 'Star Wars,' baseball cards, and drawing.

Every political card played by Jeb Bush has been Trumped; every political note played by The Donald has been Trumpeted.

Don't send funny greeting cards on birthdays or at Christmas. Save them for funerals when their cheery effect is needed.

It's a life of five-card draw, and you know what? When God asked me - I'm fine with the card I got. I'm gonna play this.

Whenever I've been well-known or hitting the press, I've always had to get my credit card out to prove I'm Damien Hirst.

When we won the title, I received gifts and cards, bottles of wine, and Champagne. When I was sacked, my house was full.

Not every article in every magazine or newspaper is meant to be a valentine card addressed to every reader's self-esteem.

I don't turn to greeting cards for wisdom and advice, but they are a fine reflection of the general drift of the culture.

'House Of Cards' with Kevin Spacey - I love how it portrays humans in power as just like the rest of us - but even worse.

Don't send funny greeting cards on birthdays or at Christmas. Save them for funerals, when their cheery effect is needed.

Those bellhops in Miami are tip-happy. I ordered a deck of playing cards and the bellboy made fifty-two trips to my room.

There's no way that that our military power will not erode if a robust American economic revival is not part of the cards.

When I got my tour card I cried. When I got my first win - and my first pay check - I cried. All these things make me cry.

Be aggressive... That's the type of pitcher I am. I go as hard as I can for as long as I can and see where the cards fall.

I couldn't imagine something asking as much of me as 'House Of Cards.' It's a great warm-up for coming back to the screen.

Plus he was naturally lucky at cards. As Mam had always said, lucky at cards, or lucky at life. One or the other. Not both.

If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do.

I'd love to be an artist. My mum is so talented and she used to design her own greetings cards. I'm crap at drawing though.

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