Generally a chef's book is like a calling card or a portfolio to display their personal work.

There are no Hallmark cards that define the next chapter, or the value of a history together.

I got my Equity card from an audition out of Backstage. We did 'Guys and Dolls' and 'Kismet.'

I always thought that it was kind of silly that a baseball card could be worth so much money.

We have now seen that there is no particle of evidence for the Egyptian origin of Tarot cards.

I think, when I'm 73, I'm going to be getting softer, writing Hallmark cards, losing my teeth.

I write down inspirational things on cards that I keep in my bag and look at during the round.

Get well cards have become so humorous that if you don't get sick you're missing half the fun.

A great social success is a pretty girl who plays her cards as carefully as if she were plain.

You can get in and out of credit cards in a hurry. Not so easy to get in and out of mortgages.

I used to collect trading cards. I could tell you about any player, because I collected cards.

I watch 'House of Cards,' which was great. I don't watch a lot. I spend so much time doing it.

Upscale young men seem to go for the kind of woman who plays with a full deck of credit cards.

I don't work well outside the lines; my report card once read, "doesn't play well with others."

It is not easy writing someone a postcard. The size and shape of the card cut you down to size.

I started my campaign out of a Trader Joe's bag with a bunch of printed palm cards and an idea.

Opened Christmas cards hum to me the hymn of love and teach me the sacrament of correspondence.

I need to have the soul bank full as well as pay the credit cards and have a roof over my head.

The assumption that the gospel can be reduced to a note card is already off on the wrong track.

I'm a very methodical writer. Before computers, I used reams of paper and stacks of index cards.

The WB never treated us well, so we didn't expect a lot of farewell wishes and flowers or cards.

An investor should act as though he had a lifetime decision card with just twenty punches on it.

I never thought I'd make any money at all doing this business. Film was never even on the cards.

The way we treat people we disagree with most is a report card on what we've learned about love.

I like my time on earth. And no matter what kind of cards I've been dealt, I'm happy to be there.

'House of Cards' opened some doors. I've been able to tackle some diverse stories and characters.

There's all kinds of love in the world, and not all of it looks like the stuff in greeting cards.

I ignore Hallmark Holidays. And this comes from a guy who has sold a million Opus greeting cards.

In the mornings when they were in the city, they had breakfast on a card table in Jeffrey's study

I don't card out my screenplays ever. I just have an idea I just sit down and write I don't edit.

Money is the only thing you can use even if you don't have any. ... There's always a credit card.

You know you have a problem in American politics when they're making 'House of Cards' look normal.

My grandma spelled my name wrong until she died. Like literally, birthday cards, mail, everything.

There's no better credit card in the world than driving up at a bank door in a Cadillac limousine.

For my entire life, I have held the cards of my complicated family history very close to my chest.

A credit card sometimes adds to the high cost of living but more often to the cost of high living.

I feel like a 1960s graduate student. I still work on note cards. I've never found a better system.

In a digital age, I still love sending and receiving cards, hand-writing notes, and wrapping gifts.

That's why Credit card companies are evil. Are they sponsoring the show tonight? ... They are Evil.

This inability to engage in debate or handle disagreement is becoming the calling card of the left.

Men exist because a vibrator can't fix a flat tire. On second thought, I should just buy a AAA card.

Joe Mantello is the uber director. I wrote him a card tonight saying basically, 'Will you adopt me?'

Both sides go the bargaining table holding cards quite close to the chest and bluffing like crazy, .

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.

I am an immigrant with a Green Card and, therefore, I am not eligible to vote in a federal election.

But Tammy Faye calls me, and Ron Jeremy calls me, Erik Estrada sends me a Christmas card every year.

You stick a credit card in a machine, and you pay $3 or whatever it is to get cash - your own money.

Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.

I always have at least 10 index cards with me every time I watch college football games on Saturdays.

Let everyone witness how many different cards fortune has up her sleeve when she wants to ruin a man.

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