In the whole range of human activities, war most closely resembles a game of cards.

The way things are going the faces on next year's bubble-gum cards will be lawyers.

If I felt like not saying what was on the cue card, I would. We rarely did retakes.

A press card does not provide you with an invisible shield. You're flesh and blood.

I will go out of this world feet first with my Lib Dem membership card in my pocket.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.

You just deal with the cards that are dealt you and you just go on and push forward.

January is expected to do well due to the strong sales of gift cards and promotions.

Please select a card. No I don't have to see the card...I've already seen this trick.

Nowadays it's not who wears the pants in the family, but who carries the credit cards.

My report card always said, 'Jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students'.

You got dealt some crappy cards. But you're the one who has to decide how to play them.

Be truthful... and pay attention. I would also recommend the avoidance of credit cards.

The one thing I missed was never having children. It just wasn't in the cards, I guess.

You can't effect the cards that you are dealt, but you can determine how you play them.

PIO card holders- they have lot of visa issues. We decided they will get lifelong visa.

Back in the 1980s, you could learn how to add memory cards to your PC in a Radio Shack.

I know how the Academy Awards works: It's a card game, and I'm in the toss-up category.

Consular cards are easily obtained with no proof of true identity and are easily forged.

Everybody is dealt a hand of cards. It was my choice to play them the way I played them.

If fighting for working families is playing the women's card, you know what, deal me in.

When I was young, we couldn't afford much. But, my library card was my key to the world.

You will cast away your cards and dice when you find the sweetness of youthful learning.

Just like credit card companies, or those student loan people. Now there's evil for you.

Who needs shows like 'House of Cards' or 'Scandal' when you can simply turn on the news?

A credit card is a convenient device that saves you the trouble of counting your change.

If you're going to just play with patience, you're going to be at the mercy of the cards.

That could have been his second yellow card - if he'd already got his first one of course

If you can't write your idea on the back of my calling card, you don't have a clear idea.

I carry a small handbag and it has cash and credit cards, phones, hair ties and lip balm.

It's the niceties that make the difference fate gives us the hand, and we play the cards.

When a new CEO comes, make sure you send him a visiting card to say, 'Sir, I'm with you'.

I had no credit cards. I had no checks. I was cash only until I was probably 30 years old.

Anything was better than playing cards, and I was doing something I wanted to do creating.

The evidence of conversion is not a decision card filled out, it's a life being lived out.

I'm no different from anybody else. If I don't have a card, I can't check out these books.

There's no one that ever beat me playing cards, the only one that ever beat me was myself.

In order to win you must be prepared to lose sometime. And leave one or two cards showing.

The best part of shooting 'House of Cards' in Baltimore is eating lots of soft-shell crab.

I told my agent that I wouldn't do TV unless it was Ryan Murphy, 'House of Cards,' or HBO.

I've never gotten cash out of a machine. I use my credit cards, so I don't need to do that.

Before the cards that one is dealt by life are the cards that fate has dealt: one's family.

You always dream about being on a baseball card. It's kind of funny when you finally see it.

My feelings towards Scott Card are pretty mixed. Politically, he and I are pretty far apart.

I've never done anything in my career that has gotten as much attention as 'House of Cards.'

With 'House of Cards,' you really get the heart and the meat of drama - and it's a thriller!

My parents have one rule for me: I can't do any of this if I have any C's on my report card.

I know I'm good at tennis. Other than that, everything else is a wild card. I'm a wild card.

My house looks like it was decorated by a 14-year old with a platinum American Express card.

You do not play then at whist, sir? Alas, what a sad old age you are preparing for yourself!

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