As love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without ...

As love without esteem is capricious and volatile; esteem without love is languid and cold.

Fashion is a capricious deity.

Oh, Fortuna, you capricious sprite!

April's rare capricious loveliness.

History is a capricious creature. It depends on who writes it.

I do not understand the capricious lewdness of the sleeping mind.

The mind is the most capricious of insects — flitting, fluttering.

A consistent soul believes in destiny, a capricious one in chance.

Suppress prostitution, and capricious lusts will overthrow society.

The momentum of the mind can be vexingly, involuntarily capricious.

It's not that stock prices are capricious. It's that the news is capricious.

You're always going to have to prove yourself, because acting is such a capricious game.

Society is capricious and rewards the bad as often as the good. But it never rewards the quiet.

Love is a capricious creature which desires everything and can be contented with almost nothing.

Evolution is, as well as smarter than we are, infinitely more callous and cruel, and also capricious.

Life is ruthless, and its bestowal of fortune arbitrary and capricious. I'd been born to morons, and mine was a shabby life.

I believe there are various aspects of me - sometimes I am very capricious and cannot make up my mind, so I'm unpredictable!

Reasonable orders are easy enough to obey; it is capricious, bureaucratic or plain idiotic demands that form the habit of discipline.

In the West, it was believed that attitude and ambition saved you. In Africa, we had learned that no one was immune to capricious tragedy.

When you die, you are extinguished. From being you will be transformed to non-being. A god does not necessarily dwell among our capricious atoms.

Because the Illinois death penalty system is arbitrary and capricious - and therefore immoral - I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death.

The Widelux is a fickle mistress; its viewfinder isn't accurate, and there's no manual focus, so it has an arbitrariness to it, a capricious quality. I like that.

Makeup is only fun if it's occasional and capricious - just like it's a treat to have an empty day ahead, but it wouldn't be if you were doing 20 years in Parkhurst.

By their very nature, human beings are so capricious, so complex, so delightfully contradictory, that they deserve not only our consideration but our reconsideration.

I wondered over again for the hundredth time what could be the principle which, in the wildest, most lawless, fantastically chaotic, apparently capricious work of Nature, always kept it beautiful.

Actors have this amazing skill - we bond quite quickly but equally we move on quite quickly. There's nothing particularly cold or capricious about it - we're troubadours and lead a troubadour's lifestyle.

Not to be offensive, not to be capricious, not to be arbitrary, not to be neurotic, not to be an actor outer, you're just trying to get in and you're given so little time to get in gently, but it's always hard.

My daughter is a very adventurous eater. I'm not the guy who sits around lamenting that all my kid will eat it is Tater Tots and chicken nuggets. With my kid, it's more a capricious and whimsical decision-making.

I take good care of my things. I put everything in a bag. I use soap. I put on a cream after training. People think it's capricious. To each his own. Doesn't mean you're more man or less man, more gay or less gay.

I love the stories of changelings and the thought that the Fey were these ancient, capricious creatures who were tricky and dangerous. I've always preferred the Brothers Grimm faery tales to the Disney fairy tales.

Growing up in Vancouver in the 1950s, I was often capricious and temperamental, quick to laugh, even quicker to feel despair, prone to flailing my arms, pouting and crying when things didn't go my way, or I thought something was unfair, or I was bullied by my sisters.

Why consider debates in the English House of Commons in 1628 along with documents on American developments in the late eighteenth century? The juxtaposition is not capricious, because the Commons during this period generated many of the ideas that were later embodied in the government of the United States.

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