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Blacks gave me a standing ovation when they put the cap and gown on me, and that was the proudest I've ever been.
I plan to eliminate the equity cap in investment, and I also plan large-scale deregulation to meet global standards.
Bankruptcy, divorce, these are feathers in my cap, I suppose. I have a wisdom which has been born from these things.
It really is disgusting when a guy in a ball cap with a high school education is the one asking the tough questions.
I'm quite fair and I need to protect myself with a good ball cap. Any time I can rep the Jays or the Leafs is great.
You should never wear a baseball cap when working in close quarters in the attic: You never see that beam above you!
If Bitcoin is a better gold or seen as a type of gold-like asset, then it could be in the trillions on a market cap.
There's very few guys that play for one team their whole careers, nowadays, especially in the cap era it's a lot tougher.
I wanted to go on the red carpet with a baseball cap, t-shirt, and jeans. And I still do. Because that's really who I am.
The worst drivers are women in people carriers, men in white vans and anyone in a baseball cap. That's just about everyone.
British electoral law forbids different campaign organisations acting in concert unless they have a shared cap on spending.
Personally, I feel like there should be some sort of cap on the quads, but we should still be pushing it to a certain number.
Most people think that I heard Bob Dylan first and got a cap and harmonica. Really, it was Woody Guthrie. He was so influential.
I think we can lower our emissions. I think the world will be better off if we did that, and we can do it without cap and trade.
There is no rule in the pink-triangle guide to coming out that you must wear a rainbow flag cap and organise a full band parade.
I'm not eager to jump into marriage again. I'm in the corner right now, wearing my dunce cap. That area is obviously a nightmare.
Everybody wants to be a Bond villain. That is the coolest. To be able to portray a Bond villain, that is the feather in any actor's cap.
If you asked me whose spot do I want, I'd say I want John Cena's spot, so to beat him at WrestleMania would be a feather in my cap, for sure.
Cap and trade is not an easy one for refiners, so we tried to get some moderation in the bill, and we did, but not near as much I would like.
I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to just put my hair under a wig cap and slap on a wig that's already done. It's dress up for your hair!
When you think of Bolton you think of the likes of Kevin Davies. He is a captain who leads by example and his qualities got him an England cap.
I did not want to go out at 5:30 in the morning with my stocking cap and my navy pea coat on and shoot lines and grades for the rest of my life.
Because cap and trade is enforced through the selling and trading of permits, it actually perpetuates the pollution it is supposed to eliminate.
Everything I ever did in my life when I was younger revolved around wanting to play for Wales, and then you get that cap... it's hard to describe.
Wearing a baseball cap or sleeveless shirt in a white-tablecloth restaurant is rude and makes other diners upset, just like someone on a cellphone.
From a personal point of view, I wouldn't have been happy with one cap but would always have been happy with two. I never counted on getting to 80.
Steve Jobs came back to Apple in 1997 - the iPod came out 4 years later. 3 years after that is the first time his market cap grew. It took 7 years.
I hit a home run in my first game, and they told me to go into the stands and pass my cap around. I made six dollars in nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Sometimes you've got to tip your cap when they're painting stuff on the corner. But you can't give up, got to keep battling and make some adjustments.
For anybody, faith and belief are everything you have. Nobody gave me the India cap; nobody taught me to go and get runs. It's a belief I had in myself.
When I drew Captain America in 'The Ultimates,' I hated my Cap, even though some people are like, 'Man, your Cap's cool!' and they made statues out of it.
When we shipped 'Borderlands 2,' we didn't ship it with a plan of how the level cap was going to increase. We didn't have any software built or strategy in place.
A salute from this corner to President Bush for saying he was willing to investigate raising or eliminating the cap on salaries subject to the Social Security tax.
I guess that, as a girl from Washington state, I am attracted to a little scruff and men who are able to roll out of bed, throw on a baseball cap, and call it a day.
To go from not being recognised at all to literally, the next day, having people stop you in the street was very, very weird. I had to buy myself a great baseball cap.
When I'm not at work, I put deep conditioner in my hair and wear a baseball cap. I'll just roll around on the off-days with goop in my hair, and then just rinse it out.
When I was in Minnesota serving in the state Senate and in Washington, D.C., I did everything I could to defeat cap and trade. I didn't work to implement cap and trade.
I probably would never be caught wearing a baseball cap. Hats are difficult to me because they tend to be too big for my head. They don't fit right, and I feel ridiculous.
I want to cut - personally, I want to cut spending. Personally, I just don't believe we can continue to add to the deficit. So, actually, personally, I like the budget cap.
I have advocated an entirely different approach than cap and tax, which would be worldwide in application and which emphasizes technology as a way of reducing total emissions.
If you look at the market cap increase in Apple since it created the iPod versus what's happened to the music industry, you have to say Apple got the better part of that deal.
I don't want to be carried out of a club wearing a tie-dye T-shirt and a cap on the wrong way around when I am 70, but I would like to settle down a bit. Maybe with a partner.
I can wear a baseball cap; I am entitled to wear a baseball cap. I am genetically pre-disposed to wear a baseball cap, whereas most English people look wrong in a baseball cap.
There's nothing I hate more than gritty, linty, mysterious pocket schmutz in the cap of my lip moisturizer - or, even worse, on the applicator itself. I shudder at the thought.
You don't get real reform by pandering to every special interest. With cap and trade we wound up with a bill that didn't accomplish much, was enormously complicated and expensive.
I have this ratio that if you divide age of entrepreneur by market cap of company. For Facebook it's one. Every year of his life Zuckerberg has been making $1 billion for investors.
If someone wants to do a carbon fee and someone else wants to do a cap on emissions or a renewable portfolio standard, we don't start labeling each other as more or less progressive.
When you're famous, you can't go to Topshop. Even when I disguise myself in a moustache, baseball cap, sunglasses - the full Madonna kit - it doesn't work: my stupid face is too big.
Sometimes people start with you. Especially in local places - 'Hey, go get your shine box.' So I go out earlier. I wear sunglasses and a cap... That's the downside of being successful.
A lot of players get to a certain point they don't want to make mistakes. They just want everyone to see how great they are. That ends up being their downfall. You put a cap on yourself.