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[sam] Kinison, when he started out, he'd come to Canada when I was first starting, and he'd always [bomb].
Lightfoot's voice is such a part of the fabric of Canada, I know it almost as well as I know my own voice.
Let's not forget, there are three languages in Canada - English, French, and there's the language of jobs.
It's an amazing feeling: tennis is growing very quickly in Canada, and to be a big part of it is an honour.
One thing America gets right is being open to innovation. Canada and Scandinavia have to do better on that.
I am from Canada, and it is really hard for us to go to the United States and prove what we are able to do.
The truth is, I'm someone coming from a spoiled society - the worst thing we deal with in Canada is winter.
I've come to learn it's a luxury to be a sort of blue collar celebrity in Canada. It makes you more humble.
One of the reasons why Australia and Canada have support for migration is because they control the numbers.
You know, I would like to ask to the other parts of Canada to respect the minority of the French Canadians.
I tour as many countries as possible, and I've toured every state in America, plus every province in Canada.
The Conservative party believes Canada is stronger for being able to welcome people from all over the world.
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you may live in Canada
I went to a wrestling school in Canada. That did not work out well, I think I was out there for like a week.
Basketball isn't as popular in Canada as it is in the US. Hockey is by far the most popular sport in Canada.
The unfortunate thing is, for the contents of the building I could not get any insurance anywhere in Canada.
After being in captivity for so long, I can't begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be home in Canada.
The Scots are the backbone of Canada. They are all right in their three vital parts - head, heart and haggis.
I hope that I can find the common thread that connects us all and say: We can build a better Canada together.
Make no mistake. Canada is not a bilingual country. In fact it is less bilingual today than it has ever been.
Canada is preparing to play a major role in the continued stability and security of Afghanistan through ISAF.
The world is now unipolar and contains o-nly o-ne superpower. Canada shares a continent with that superpower.
The increased consumption of alcoholic beverages in Canada since the outbreak of war is one evidence of this.
We'll explain the appeal of curling to you if you explain the appeal of the National Rifle Association to us.
If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania, that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia.
God has made Canada one of those nations which cannot be conquered and cannot be destroyed, except by itself.
I love Canada. It makes a nice hat for America. When America runs out of water, it's the first place I'll go.
I love Canada. Canada is a great neighbour. Canada has been a great friend and neighbor for many, many years.
The thing about Canada is, you're not really considered a Canadian actor unless you do something with the CBC.
I have a huge interest in hockey because I grew up in Canada, where it's kind of the law that you love hockey.
We oppose any pipeline whose sole purpose is to export bitumen from Canada to make profits in other countries.
The nice thing about being detained in Canada is it's like being in a Days Inn; it's very clean and very nice.
If my parents didn't come to Canada in the '70s, I probably wouldn't be living my dream to be a WWE superstar.
New Canada must be workable without Quebec, but it must be open and attractive enough to include a New Quebec.
Diana Krall I met in, I think it was Canada. She's a lovely lady. Her husband, Elvis Costello, is a great star.
Hi, I'm Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, wanting to say "Congratulations, Canada, on preserving your national igloo".
I worked as a janitor in Canada for nine months. It's during that time when I experienced extreme homesickness.
I really think a minority Parliament delivers better democracy in Canada when parties are prepared to cooperate.
I'm so proud to be Canadian. I've been to 58 countries, and they're wonderful countries, but Canada is the best.
I can't live for more than four years outside of Canada. I'm Canadian, so ultimately that is my reference point.
I've been to Canada, and I've always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days.
Canada is destined to be one of the great nations of the world and Canadian women must be ready for citizenship.
If I'm everybody's hero from Canada all the way down to Australia, but I'm not able to come home? Then I failed.
Canada truly understands that girls and women who have access to a safe and high-quality education is a priority.
Canada definitely has a strong program in women's boxing, and we're showing that women are capable, not just men.
I've played matches in Mexico, Canada and the United States. The people of North America have always welcomed me.
Even in Canada, I never even played ice hockey. I never skated in my life; I always did rollerblade street hockey.
It is as queen of Canada that I am here. Queen of Canada and all Canadians, not just one or two ancestral strains.
Part of what's great about America, and Canada as well, is that we can talk about our political leaders in public.
Everywhere I go, every city, they're always like, 'What's in the water in Canada? What's in the water in Toronto?'