Enough of the 'Canada is a modest country' boasts. Please. Just stop.

The fact is, Canada needs investment, particularly in infrastructure.

Canada? Why would I want to leave America just to visit America, Jr.?

I was in the ROTC. Of course, ROTC stood for "Running off to Canada."

I was in the ROTC. Of course, ROTC stood for 'Running off to Canada.'

I'd be prouder still to say I was Canada's 10th woman prime minister.

I really think Canada should get over to Iraq as quickly as possible.

My parents migrated to Canada in 1876, and I decided to go with them.

Much will have to change in Canada if the country is to stay the same.

The biggest risk to Quebec isn't sovereignty. It is staying in Canada.

The country I most admire is Canada, the one I've served my whole life.

I was fortunate to literally find my style on camera working in Canada.

Being from Canada, we never had, like, the basketball games live on TV.

We have such a marvelous interplay between Canada and the United States.

Canada's most important -- that is to say consequential -- modern voice.

I actually grew up in Europe half my life. Then Canada, then the States.

There is a big cry in California to stop everyone from running to Canada.

I grew up watching British television because I lived so close to Canada.

For our immediate family and relatives, Canada was a land of opportunity.

When I started out in Canada, I did a lot of voice-overs and commercials.

Ever since I was little, when I moved to Canada, Canada has been my home.

My mother is Ukrainian. She immigrated to the U.S. from Canada as a child.

I am really excited to be called into Canada Soccer's men's national team.

We know that the international jihadi movement has declared war on Canada.

Canada doesn’t stand behind Israel; we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it.

I'm at the National Theatre School, which is like the Juilliard of Canada.

In my opinion, Al Moritz may be the best poet of his generation in Canada.

I hear Canada is still free though. They ain't got slaver camps and ships.

Canada is the only country founded on the relentless pursuit of the rodent.

I lump Canada and the States together. I like good old North American boys.

My father had a great legacy and implemented important policies for Canada.

NAFTA will continue to regulate the relationship between Mexico and Canada.

We already get more energy from Canada than from any other foreign country.

Even if I had nothing to do with the Canada Council, I'd be praying for it.

A revolutionary should neither look or act like one to get ahead in Canada.

I think Canada, our industry is still somewhat based in America's industry.

I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World.

Would you believe I never went to a hockey game when I was living in Canada?

I wanted to work in either Miami or L.A. After Canada, I wanted warm weather

America and Canada are the best friends. We've always been the best friends.

I'm a member of the Writers Guild of America and the Writers Guild of Canada.

Imagine bringing Canada into a trillion-and-a-half of deficit. That's insane.

When God created the world, he didn't draw a line between Canada and America.

It's not so hard to become the best painter in Canada... The rest just quits!

When you think of Canada, you think of hockey and you think of Wayne Gretzky.

I'm kinda disapointed that Canada isn't like the South Park movie said it was.

There can be no dedication to Canada's future without a knowledge of its past.

Canada I don't trust. The Canadian government hates me more than the Japanese.

I came from Canada, where it's freezing cold for seven months out of the year.

For a small population, Canada has always had a very strong and vibrant style.

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