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If there's a camera on me or off me, it's roughly the same, just a lot less energy.
Nothing is worth putting my health on the line. Not a camera, not a title, nothing.
If we take a step back and look at what Snapchat is, it all starts with the camera.
From the beginning, the camera and I were great friends. It loves me, and I love it.
I like the smell of film. I just like knowing there's film going through the camera.
A journalist who doesn't bring a camera is like a warrior who doesn't carry a sword.
I'm happiest when in front of the camera, and I didn't know it until I got up there.
Stress is real, and you never know what a person is going through behind the camera.
The digital camera is a great invention because it allows us to reminisce. Instantly.
Saturate yourself with your subject and the camera will all but take you by the hand.
In the South or in the mine country, wherever you point the camera there is a picture.
I spent a lot of years just learning my craft and falling down in front of the camera.
Giving a camera to Diane Arbus is like putting a live grenade in the hands of a child.
I love the camera and I guess it's because it's been an integral part of my childhood.
Where I think the most work needs to be done is behind the camera, not in front of it.
Fog is my weakness, and every time there is low fog, I am out and about with my camera.
The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn't pose. He isn't aware of the camera.
It is very difficult for me to accept the fact that I am acting in front of the camera.
I love photography. My boyfriend's got a great camera, which I bought for his birthday.
I feel very confident and empowered before the camera, after working with Arjun Rampal.
Being an anchor is not just a matter of sitting in front of a camera and looking pretty.
I learned quickly at Columbia that the only eye that mattered was the one on the camera.
Being behind a camera, in front of the camera, is my own little deconstructionist niche.
I think that I need to work on being comfortable at being normal, everyday-ish on camera.
I moved to L.A. to write and direct. I had no intentions of being in front of the camera.
I'm very in love with the fact that the camera is revolted by acting and loves behaviour.
The audience is the camera. I don't want the audience to sit and watch, I want it to move.
If you have a camera in the courtroom, there's no filtering. What you see is what's there.
I grew up in New York, so I fell in love with acting on a stage, not in front of a camera.
It's kind of dangerous to cut in the camera, but that's the only way I know how to direct.
I realized the exciting place was behind the camera with the producer, director and so on.
I want to try to talk like normal people talk, not just stand there and bark at the camera.
The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.
I've always viewed myself as a behind-the-scenes person rather than in front of the camera.
Biologically, I'm lucky - an angular face and dark colouring which shows up well on camera.
I'm no snapshot artist. I make very careful choices always, even if I'm using a 35mm camera.
I have always been a very keen walker, though, and I often took a camera with me on my walks.
I've been in front of a camera since I was a little girl, and that's the medium I understand.
Performing in front of the camera is a different thing, and shooting a whole film is another.
I'm working 2 days a week right now, narration usually on Wed., and host on camera on Friday.
Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.
The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses.
No matter how many helicopters there are, when it comes down to it there is the camera and you.
Expensive gear helps for night shots, but I wouldn't recommend beginners overspend on a camera.
I think most actors jump at the chance to do something where the camera's on them all the time.
When I started getting in front of the camera a lot, I think my confidence started to come out.
I've learned survival secrets from being on camera, and then translated them into everyday life.
The less the camera is able to capture what you're seeing in a scene, the more editing it needs.
The concept of surveillance is ingrained in our beings. God was the original surveillance camera.
We never want to see anyone go in front of the camera or behind the mic without union protection.