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I'm not offended if you call me an African American. I prefer a black American.
Don't call me Alessandro, or this could get ugly. Oh, then may I call you Alice?
Call me Buffy. I’m even blond, but don’t ask me to wear a halter top. Or corset.
It’s a good thing my parents named me Jon because that’s what everyone calls me.
People go to the movies to see things they haven’t seen before. Call me a radical.
Just once I'd like someone to call me 'Sir' without adding 'You're making a scene.'
To call me a partisan hack is ludicrous. [...] I am the least partisan person I know.
Wherever I go for the military, they always call me Lt. Dan. They just can't help it.
They call me a right-winger, which is an insult - I'm simply a racist and a separatist.
It doesn't bother me when someone calls me a 'dumb blonde.' I'm neither dumb or blonde.
If a senator calls me up and asks me what should we do in Iraq, I'm happy to talk to him.
You can call me 10 times a day to pay this bill but, I do not owe your company any money.
And please don't call me that." I didn't call you 'that', I called you George Washington.
She is Living and I'm Dead, but I'd like to believe we're both human. Call me an idealist.
People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It's really cool and weird as well.
I have many names; some call me Mr. Ra, others call me Mr. Re, you can call me Mr. Mystery.
Do you think it not lawful for me to teach women and why do you call me to teach the court?
If I pop everyone who calls me a diva then I'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison.
Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?
Russians call me German, Germans call me Russian, Jews call me a Christian, Christians a Jew.
If there's something that you hear on TV about me, just call me and I'll tell you if it's true.
If someone calls me vain and mean, I know that he trusts me and has something to confess to me.
Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.
God pursues me, he sacrificed for me, and he calls me his beloved! And, not just me... all of us.
My friends call me 'Dolittle One' [a reference to her physical stature and affinity for animals].
Call it a curse, or just call me blessed, if you can't handle my worst, you ain't getting my best
Don't ever call me mad, Mycroft. I'm not mad. I'm just ... well, differently moraled, that's all.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like my conditioners to be conditioners and my shampoos to be shampoos.
You may only call me "Mrs. Darcy"... when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy.
You can call me a fat, balding, talentless old queen who can't sing, but you can't tell lies about me.
Oh dear,' said Eddie. 'We'd better hurry. Tinto, call me a cab.' All right,' said Tinto. 'You're a cab.
Don't call me son unless you're going to include me in your will. (When Adolph Rupp called him, "Son.")
You can call me mercenary, or call me madam, but, as I always tell my customers - just call me anytime!
My mother still calls me Jim and that is about it. Everyone else calls me Lee. My wife calls me whatever.
I want the scripts Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have time for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't available? Call me.
Hang on, did you just call me Angel?" I asked. "If I did?" "I don't like it." He grinned. "It stays, Angel.
You can call me an older woman - I don't mind that at all - just don't call me an old one, because I'm not.
Almost always, when I'm on TV, the producers who call me, who negotiate what we're going to say, is a woman.
I hate when people call me a socialite because you have to have money to be a socialite, which I don't have.
Nathan Sutter," the teacher read. Here. My mother never calls me Nathan." Is it Nate?" She calls me Honeylips.
Emmeline didn't call me anything. She didn't need, for I was always there. You only need names for the absent.
I am actually retired - yes, I am retired. But I like to work. So I'm retired until someone calls me up to work.
None of my friends call me L.C. That was just a high school nickname, and nobody refers to me like that anymore.
Some of my cronies call me a pessimist and a decadent, but there is always a background of faith behind resignation.
I don't know what a supermodel is. If they call me that, I might have to punch them. It's just so vain and so unreal.
You can call me he. You can call me she. You can call me Regis and Kathie Lee; I don't care! Just as long as you call me.
My friends would certainly call me out if I didn't say that I like to create a bit of chaos and stir things up in my own life.
I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga. They said I was very theatrical... So they said, you're Gaga.
You could call me antisocial, I've called myself that sometimes too, but I just prefer to be alone, and that's nothing against you.
I'm filled with awe, as I always am, as I watch her transform from a woman who calls me to kill a spider to a woman immune to fear.