When you're buying a pair of TOMS, if you don't feel like you're part of a community, then I've failed.

There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs, but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans.

I think a lot of people could do with buying a Flying Burrito Brothers record - it does wonders for you.

Chinese readers are buying books in translation, particularly non-fiction about China, in large numbers.

I like shopping, but I don't often get a chance to go, so I end up buying clothes from shoots I work on.

It was exciting putting hundreds of millions of dollars to work buying and building wind farms in Texas.

I met this wonderful girl at Macy's. She was buying clothes and I was putting Slinkies on the escalator.

I saw clearly that war was upon us when I learned that my young men had been secretly buying ammunition.

I've been buying the same lambrusco from Correggio [a town between Reggio-Emilia and Modena] since 1965.

Frankly, people buying a home to let should not be squeezing out families who can't afford a home to buy.

We are going to have to do something about all this violence, or people are going to keep buying tickets.

VaynerMedia filters the world how humans interact. This is how people are going to make buying decisions.

Since the littoral combat ship plays a vital role, we want to make sure we're buying the correct version.

The larger the deductible you choose, the less insurance you are buying. Insurers want to sell insurance.

Why would you pour a foundation, buy machines, hire employees, if you can make as much money buying bonds?

Honestly, it's alright that people are buying more guns. I just care that they are being safe individuals.

If China has cheap labour, Africa has cheaper labour. This is why China started buying out poor countries.

If you are already familiar with a brand, buying online is fast, convenient, and probably the way forward.

I'm not making any money, but I view it as some sort of investment, or like buying myself a great present.

I'm very smart, and I have a great team of people around me investing my money. I'm not buying gold - yet.

When Berkshire buys common stock, we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business.

Let me tell you, one of the most proud aspects of my career was buying Indymac during the financial crisis.

George of the Jungle is a cartoon. He's a guy who swings around on a vine all day. Are you not buying that?

I'm a bit of a dude. I like meat. But I am buying it more responsibly, where it's more sourced responsibly.

Labour day is a great American holiday that people celebrate by going out and buying products made in China

Cena, love him or not, connects with the ticket buying public better than any one in the biz. End of story.

I haven't bought anything excessive. I do plan on buying an island and filling it with baby tigers, though.

It's like the psychiatrists themselves are buying into that stupid belief that therapy is something to hide.

Instead of buying six things, buy one thing that you really like. Don't keep buying just for the sake of it.

I am trying to break free from my stripes addiction, but the pull is strong! I need help buying non-stripes.

I'm a firm believer that all this packaged stuff that Americans are buying up in gobs is making them fatter.

Unless they're a fugitive or a felon, or adjudicated mentally ill, we're not against them buying guns at all.

When I'm buying car insurance I ask myself, 'Which company has the most annoying and relentless commercials?'

I went through a phase of buying a lot of masks, as anyone who has been to a party at the house will testify.

This city has many public squares, in which are situated the markets and other places for buying and selling.

I was not a girl who grew up buying $100 candles. I was the girl who ran out of gas on her way to an audition.

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.

I just want to thank all my fans for their loyalty and support-for coming out to the shows and buying the CDs.

I started buying ill, obscure records, and then I saw Portishead and Air live, and my mouth was on the ground.

Sometimes I can't stop myself from buying things just because I see them - even when I don't really need them.

Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy.

Valentine's day has been reduced to a marketing gimmick. Buying diamonds for your beloved has no appeal for me.

I try to differentiate between what I need and don't need. I talk to my wife and children before buying things.

So about twenty years ago I gave up on painting - and got into terrible debt after buying a load of camera gear!

I'm not a consumer. I hate buying clothes. I don't have a mobile. I just don't need things. I don't like things.

Nothing you will ever do in your lifetime is likely to make you as much money as buying a home and living in it.

I always liked having my own money and buying my own stuff. I didn't want to depend on somebody to do it for me.

The experience is fundamentally different for buying from local businesses than it is for buying consumer goods.

The buying and selling of women, girls and boys is a frightening modern day form of slavery that must be stopped.

The people who are buying stocks because they're going up and they don't know what they do deserve to lose money.

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