Sometimes buying the ugly work is the thing that you know you should do.

But if people are buying the products, naturally they're gonna use them.

I am buying the most unpopular, most battered stocks, but then who knows?

I had to restrain myself from buying a book on 19th-century fruit knives.

I think buying a home is the best investment that any individual can make

Being stuck in airports, you always end up buying perfume and sunglasses.

A writer writes. Period. No matter if someone is buying your work or not.

As an artist, you don't stop making art because people are not buying it.

My idea of baking is buying a ready-make cake mix and throwing in an egg.

Except from 2002 to 2010, we never went three years without buying a bank.

The thought of buying a gift and wrapping is too much of an effort for me.

Buying books was a way anyone could acquire a work of art for very little.

Unwarrantable installment buying is a pit into which those who covet fall.

The best advertising should make you nervous about what you're not buying.

Buying land is not like buying antique. It is not the only deal available.

You hear about women buying shoes? I buy DVDs. I definitely have a problem.

We discovered that there are actually fewer companies actually buying data.

I never download anything; it's crazy! We must keep buying albums and DVDs.

I still think buying a home is the best investment any individual can make.

Artists need a lot of collectors, all kinds of collectors, buying their art.

You have to take into account the arc of your foot when you're buying heels.

It's not only about the rap lyric. Today, people are buying you as a person.

I learned that buying expensive furniture with toddlers around is pointless.

When I was a teenager in New York, I was buying antique clothes. I still am.

Since I was 13, I've been buying things because they are ridiculously cheap.

Consumers may put off buying a car, but they don't put off buying a vacation.

There is far greater peril in buying knowledge than in buying meat and drink.

Fashion is not about buying a second skin. Fashion is about having a fantasy.

I'm a drugstore beauty girl, I love going to the drugstore and buying makeup.

A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it.

Less is more. I truly believe in buying a few pieces with better construction.

The women are at an advantage - we represent the buying power in this country.

Even buying a swimsuit is super difficult. And then making one is even harder.

But paying is part of the game of life: it is the joy of buying that we crave.

Organic farming is about buying out of a corrupt, illegal and dishonest system.

If the people buying the pizza are happy, they'll probably buy the pizza again.

I don’t believe you can ever get hurt by buying a good location at a low price.

You’re not buying news when you buy The New York Times. You’re buying judgment.

Buying a book is not about obtaining a possession, but about securing a portal.

How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn't work?

My kids wouldn't dream of buying a newspaper - and we are a newspaper household.

Making love to a woman is like buying real estate: location, location, location.

We know what the customer wants, and so we're buying in a totally different way.

I've spent more money on my theatres since I bought them than I did buying them.

My mum says, 'Go with your first instinct,' but this can lead to impulse buying!

[I]t was the color of someone buying you an ice cream cone for no reason at all.

I don't like going into stores, I don't like the whole process of buying things.

People stop buying things, and that is how you turn a slowdown into a recession.

If you are buying a larger turkey than usual, make sure it will fit in the oven.

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