As long as people are buying music, it's good for everybody.

It's expensive being in a band, way cheaper buying a laptop.

When even the analysts are bored, it's time to start buying.

It's much more difficult running a business than buying one.

Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying.

I'm opening the doors, I'm buying dinner. Yeah, I'm romantic.

I love buying things. I could be one of those crazy hoarders.

Lives, like money, are spent. What are you buying with yours?

If you're 20 years old, you've grown up without buying albums.

I've been buying instruments and musical gear for a long time.

I love being a woman. I like dressing up; I love buying shoes.

Marrying an old bachelor is like buying second-hand furniture.

I never look at it like I'm wasting money when I'm buying gold.

I love buying things I wouldn't normally buy, especially cigars.

Once you start buying first aid kits you start having accidents.

I started buying on the Internet quite rapidly, as early as 1995.

I have a weakness for watches. I have to stop myself buying more.

If we didn't have the Chinese buying things, we'd be on the floor.

When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?

Don't buy anything online that you'd laugh at buying in real life.

If you're buying an album because of the face on it, you're stupid.

I'm always buying nice watches for my husband - Bentley Breitlings.

We buy books because we believe we're buying the time to read them.

I get maximum satisfaction out of buying children's clothes online.

We're constantly buying airplane tickets; we travel on the Concorde.

Buying a home is exciting, but it's also a big financial commitment.

I find buying a bicycle is a great way to stay in touch with people.

Buying a lie is one thing, giving it away for free is quite another.

I end up not buying a lot of things, because I find them ridiculous.

If you're not buying recycled products, you're not really recycling.

Before buying anything, it is well to ask if one could do without it.

I wasn't a big Air Force 1 person until I started buying custom ones.

Nonsmokers should be banned from buying any product a smoker created.

I get bored of carrying the same bag often. So, I end up buying more.

I was buying Bob Dylan mainly, everything I could get hold of by him.

The trade of banks is the buying and selling of interest and exchange.

I like buying clothes, especially as I get a tax-deductible allowance.

You'll get nowhere buying stocks just because they have a great story.

Buying's easier, selling's hard - [it's] hard to know when to get out.

The big money is not in the buying and selling ... but in the waiting.

The way you support farmers is by shopping and buying raw ingredients.

A lot of people are buying things on the Internet - not just white men.

Wisdom is the talent of buying virtuous pleasures at the cheapest rate.

I don't think humans are meant to be looked at when we're buying pants.

I spend far too much time on eBay buying lamps and upholstery remnants.

There's no buying a greasy breakfast in L.A. - it's all organic juices.

...She's not buying [the lie], but there's nothing else on the shelves.

The only real indulgence was buying a house. That was a pretty big step.

[Donald Trump] hedging his bets because he's used to buying politicians.

Buying is more American than thinking, and I'm as American as they come.

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