This nation's 23 million small businesses need a budget that reflects their value to the economy.

Families and businesses are tightening their belts to make ends meet - and Washington should too.

Investors who find the best businesses to put their money behind are rewarded for their research.

Well, the sales of our products clearly demonstrate their value to businesses and to individuals.

Our economy is creating jobs and giving businesses the conditions they need to invest and succeed.

There's just nothing to me so invaluable in my business, but in many businesses, as great mentors.

Non-bank financial institutions provide credit that is essential to U.S. businesses and consumers.

Entrepreneurs, guys that start businesses, grow with them. It's more painful than it would appear.

As Mayor, I will use my experience to make San Francisco a place where small businesses can thrive.

Businesses that distribute information and news are in the business of training and teaching people.

More businesses should be following Apple's stance in encouraging more investment in sustainability.

Businesses are going to innovate in how they bring prices down so people can shop the way they want.

Recycling, packaging, businesses are changing all of those things because that's what consumers want.

I've built companies, I've created jobs, I know the frustration of small businesses with higher taxes.

Small businesses are the economic drivers of our country, providing the stimulus our communities need.

Our employers today face numerous challenges and stiff competition from businesses all over the world.

Just as water is a key ingredient to growth on the farm, capital is required for businesses to thrive.

If people support independently owned small businesses in their community, they can make a difference.

I look to work with businesses that know what they are doing but need larger distribution or exposure.

America cannot turn its back on the economic future and women-owned businesses are part of that future.

Small businesses are the backbone of Oklahoma's economy, creating a large portion of jobs in our state.

When we acquire businesses in the developing world, we estimate if the growth opportunities are strong.

I like tackling problems that I can see making an impact on real people and real businesses immediately.

I spent most of my career operating businesses and fixing businesses, not staring at a Bloomberg screen.

Businesses should be focused on business, and social responsibility should be government responsibility.

I mean, our primary businesses in wholesale pipelines, utilities, retail, were all doing extremely well.

What I've learned over the years is that focus and singular purpose is the best approach for businesses.

In October 2008, when the credit crunch hit, small businesses were really crushed by the lack of capital.

I represent the small businesses, the women, and the families working so hard to rebuild our communities.

I think overall it is better for businesses to stay private because you have more latitude, more freedom.

Obamacare won't just bankrupt the country. It may bankrupt small businesses. It may bankrupt individuals.

With weak balance sheets, banks tend to continue lending unprofitable businesses and leave them existing.

The truth is that most small businesses will not succeed and you need to be emotionally prepared for this.

I've always been about how will digital be transforming established businesses, and that's what I've done.

Continuing economic growth requires both recruitment of new companies and expansion of existing businesses.

If you improve your education system, there's no telling what kind of businesses you'll be able to attract.

If you want to help the poor and our next generation, make investment, reinvestment and businesses welcome.

The minimum wage was due for an increase, but it was important that we offset its cost to small businesses.

Small businesses have told us that having cash in their pocket is one of the primary things that they need.

When businesses think of locating in North America, I want to make sure that they think first about Florida.

You know Texas is - even more now that Enron has bit the dust - it's held up on the back of small businesses.

I like businesses in transition, first of all. If ever there were a business in transition, it is publishing.

Businesses - we protect our businesses with the guns, our banks, our money. We protect politicians with guns.

Nationalizing businesses, nationalizing banks, is not a solution for the democratic party, it's the objective.

For a long time, the for-profit world has told us in the not-for-profit sector to behave more like businesses.

One of the first businesses of a sensible man is to know when he is beaten, and to leave off fighting at once.

I strive never to forget the real world consequences of my decisions on individuals, businesses and government.

I see opportunities in all my businesses. And the reason is simple. We thrive on countries that are urbanizing.

Recycling more plastics can help local businesses and expand jobs while supporting the goals of sustainability.

Until we know how many women own businesses, we may under-invest in them as entrepreneurs and economic drivers.

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