I find the business world hard.

What kind of business world are we living in?

Revenue cures everything in the business world.

If I weren't fighting, I'd be in the business world.

There's very little substitute in the business world for making money.

In the business world, bad news is usually good news - for somebody else.

Girls shouldn't worry about being the equal of men in the business world.

I consider my position in the business world not as a woman but as a person.

The truth was that I didn't want a career in the conventional business world.

In the business world, if you're not looking ahead, you're missing something.

I do believe in the energy and the productivity of the American business world.

In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

As a group, anthropologists are not too fond of people who work in the business world.

Call it the Tiger Mom effect: In the business world today, failure is apparently not an option.

I've worked in the business world and, as a futurist, the whole 20 years that I've led at Mosaic.

The leverage and influence social media gives citizens are rapidly spreading into the business world.

You can't equate me with Joe Jackson. I've never hit my kid, I'm educated, I understand the business world.

The entire business world has figured out how to make huge buckets of money without hiring us to work for them.

In the charitable world as in the business world, opportunities should drive budgets, not the other way around.

No greater privilege than I had as a soldier and then as a spymaster and to some degree now in the business world.

I know in the business world, some women won't speak if there are men in meetings for fear of being seen as too assertive.

At home, we don't listen to our music-we listen to other people's music. It keeps you attached to the show business world.

The business world needs the best talent from both genders to compete in an ever-changing environment and drive innovation.

Throughout history, the organizational evolution of the military has been inextricably linked with that of the business world.

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.

The real killers in the business world aren't the ones who aim for the top, it's the ones who aim for two notches below the top.

There's no doubt about it that my participation in sports allowed me to compete in the business world in a very gender-neutral way.

Government has learned a lot from the business world - and I hope that some companies will recognise they can learn from each other, too.

The thing about people from Chicago and the Northwest suburbs is that they're very cocky. I think that serves us well in the show business world.

Take 'The Stroke,' for instance. Plenty of people saw sexual connotations in that song but to me it was about what goes on in the business world.

I came to Playboy not expecting to stay. But after five years, I found myself really enjoying the business world, and I realized I had some skill.

This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.

The Martha Stewart trial makes clear how far women have risen in the business world. America can be proud of our equal-opportunity prosecution and conviction.

In the business world an executive knows something about everything, a technician knows everything about something and the switchboard operator knows everything.

In the business world, lower profits reflect less demand for your product. But in government the opposite is true - demand for our services increases in hard times.

The blanket assertion that corporations are people obfuscates the complex issues at play in the changing business world. Corporation are institutions. People are people.

Most of the people I came across in the finance and business world were honest people, doing the best for their staff and for their family. But I encountered many who weren't.

There are so many girls in school who don't know about the opportunities out there. As a graduate, I only realised things about the business world after I completed my studies.

I don't really read 'business books,' and I didn't think 'The Paradox of Choice' was a business book. I'm very surprised and gratified that the business world thought it was one.

Accessing capital to start a business can be a daunting process, especially for entrepreneurs who start out with a great idea, but have no real familiarity with the business world.

In the business world, those who are slow to act and adapt find themselves out of business in a hurry. In Washington, it can take 10 years to get even a good idea across the finish line.

Over many generations, fortunes in the business world were made through buying and selling products in physical stores. Internet fortunes have been made buying and selling products online.

Coming from losing my dream of playing professional football, not having a college degree at the time and looking to jump into the business world at a young age was pretty daunting for me.

In the business world and the volunteer world, each job has certain requirements that must be met in order for that job to be done properly and for that organization to survive and prosper.

In the business world, we can point to instances when a lack of integrity has bankrupted entire companies - in sectors as different as finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, and energy.

When I first became a lawyer, only 2% of the bar was women. People would always think I was a secretary. In those days, professional women in the business world wore hats. So I started wearing hats.

People in the business world lament economic resources wasted on unsustainable development projects and what they see as activists' naive failure to grasp the importance of building strong economies.

We, in the business world, invest our money to make a profit. Sports teams make a good profit. That's the way the system should work, not taxpayers forking over these dollars to for-profit enterprises.

President Trump, who made his name in the business world and built a brand as a successful CEO via a reality TV show that punished incompetence, was not just elected for a series of tough policy views.

As you would expect, I come from a business background, and the idea that a finance director would be somewhat not working closely with the CEO of a company is very strange to anyone in the business world.

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