My husband and I are small business owners.

Business owners are responsible for themselves.

The only business owners that fail are the ones who gave up.

We can't leave small business owners to fend for themselves.

A business owner who is liberal probably inherited the business.

Business owners should think of designers as architects, not decorators.

We want real job creation and a fertile business environment for small business owners.

Black business owners throughout America too often face bigger barriers to accessing capital.

Small business owners that are female, that is their number one problem, is access to capital.

Business owners should not have to choose between violating their faith and violating the law.

Having individuals who are prepared to work is helping small business owners succeed and expand.

It's amazing how small business owners figure out how to stretch a dollar as far as they possibly can.

One of the biggest challenges we have, as business owners and people, is that we think in linear terms.

Small business owners and entrepreneurs worthy of the title need to build systems that replace themselves.

Based on my pool of coached clients, 90% of the challenges for business owners exist in a lack of personal development.

Small business owners are fighting every day to create and innovate, but continue to face government barriers to job creation.

My parents are small business owners, and the Korean community, like a lot of immigrant communities, is very much owner-driven.

I grew up in a conservative household, my parents were small business owners, so it really just was kind of part of who we were.

My father built a small manufacturing business. I worked alongside him and saw firsthand the challenges that business owners face.

I have heard firsthand from several small business owners about their struggle to borrow and their fear of taking on additional debt.

Our regional infrastructure deficiencies are problems that everyone - taxpayers, commuters, workers, business owners - experience every day.

Every new rule, mandate, and regulatory edict is one more obstacle that small business owners, entrepreneurs, and job creators have to swallow.

For Central Virginia small business owners, their business is more than a building, a sign out front, or an income - it's their lifelong dream.

It is my hope that by reducing the tax burden on small business owners that we can help them grow their businesses and, in doing so, create jobs.

Before Booker T. Washington, we have small business owners but we do not have a philosopher of black entrepreneurship, and that's what Washington was.

The vast majority of small business owners want nothing to do with figuring out a website. They are neck-deep in their business trying to keep it going.

Tax cuts continue to benefit families, seniors, and small business owners, as evidenced by unparalleled economic growth in Nevada and across the country.

We need to repeal and replace Dodd-Frank. We need to make America fair again for all businesses, but especially those being run by small business owners.

Oftentimes, small business owners are unable to obtain reasonably priced financing and instead turn to higher priced forms of capital, such as credit cards.

The main thing that 99designs is about is choice. It's a fantastic model that eliminates risk for small business owners and puts designers on equal footing.

I can't imagine an argument that says that raising marginal tax rates on high income people, many of whom are business owners, is a recipe for economic growth.

Business owners have made a strong case to me that they need guest workers. But none has suggested that these workers should be placed on a path to citizenship.

As a small business owner myself, I talk to so many other business owners who delay seasonal hiring by waiting until the last minute to make their temporary hires.

Yet our small business owners across the country are unfairly losing potential interest income on a daily basis until the Business Checking Freedom Act becomes law.

When President Obama speaks about raising taxes on the rich, he speaks about high-income employees and small business owners, not entrepreneurs who build big businesses.

I hear over and over again from local leaders and business owners that one of the best ways we can revitalize our cities and towns is to support brownfields cleanup efforts.

As Americans, we have the right to decide who lives within our borders, and we can't let unscrupulous employers to undercut honest business owners by exploiting cheap labor.

For business owners, there are many important documents to learn to read. One of the most important is the profit and loss statement, known as the P&L, and the balance sheet.

Growing our economy means supporting our small businesses, and one straightforward way to do this is to help business owners with the cost of health insurance for their workers.

For significant job creation to occur, prospective entrepreneurs and current business owners must not fear the future or be under assault from their own government in the present.

Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.

Today, currently, business owners can go out and find out if the person they are hiring is eligible to work here or if they are not. We need to think about how we are impacting workers.

Closing the gap for women entrepreneurs should be a priority for the federal government - and yet the Small Business Administration has failed in their promise to women business owners.

Getting from A to B can be crucial for small-business owners, self-employed people and freelancers too, who often rely on trains and buses to get around, conduct business and meet clients.

We need to get out of the way of the small business owner - and big business owners - and allow them to do what government can only dream of doing: creating jobs and thereby creating wealth.

With the permanent elimination of this tax, farmers and business owners will have the sense of security they need to plan for the financial future of their business or farm and their family.

The kind of work you do, when you do it, how much of it there is, and who you delegate it to are often the cause of the quasi-schizophrenic behavior seen in many business owners and entrepreneurs.

We've had this program for a number of years now, called 10,000 Small Businesses, where Goldman Sachs has convened a group of partners to basically give business education to small business owners.

I would say my biggest piece of advice that I would offer LGBT business owners and people looking to segue their talent into a business would be to utilize all the resources that are available to you.

My Taiwanese parents came to America with no money and supported my brothers and me as small business owners in Orange County, which is close to L.A. but about as far away from Hollywood as you can be.

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