The sidekick business has been good to me.

Me and Urijah are really good friends. Not just business partners in the gym, but friends.

People that know me know I'm very good about doing my own thing and minding my own business.

The William Morris Agency handled me. In that business, you're only as good as your last picture.

The business of looking good is very difficult. This has often made me consider retirement from films.

There's a lot more people that enjoy me playing the enforcer, the destroyer. If bad disappears one day, then good goes out of business.

My first gig in the business was a guest star on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' so I'm neck deep in sci-fi. It's been a very good genre to me.

There are certainly better writers and directors than me, but I have worked very hard to earn credibility within the business as a quality writer and a good director.

To me, as A&R people and as managers, we're in the business of finding talent. It's no different than working with these engineers who just want to make good products.

While the Chinese people, as a rule, are good people, my business dealings with Communist Chinese officials have left me disturbed and concerned about the rise of the Chinese Empire.

I have definitely learnt in business that when you have a smart, engaged entrepreneur with good judgement they can really drive even a mediocre business forward so to me the entrepreneur is very important.

Since I was 9 years old, I've been in the entertainment business, and everyone is always telling me what - and what not - to do... you just get a tough skin and have to not care about what people think, or you will not end up in a good place.

When I lost the job with Cricket Australia, I almost felt I had unfinished business to do. I felt that my reputation with South Africa and internationally had been very good. And then you lose your coaching job, it is tough. It kept me three years out of it.

I was 27 when I uploaded my first YouTube video. I had a master's degree and was running a small business. I had had good jobs and bad jobs and was fairly secure in my identity and understood who I was. When my audience or the algorithm wanted me to be something, I knew with a fair amount of certainty whether I wanted to be that thing or not.

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