I don't dictate particular styles of dress. I do teach classes in self discovery.

If you have humility, you are willing to undertake anything to spread the dharma.

Have a healthy respect and love for yourself, but don't be taken out by your ego.

Without humility you can't love. Love means looking beyond the self to the other.

Your self is the universe, and you perceive the universe through a state of mind.

A person who has power doesn't seek to challenge others, their battles are within.

Unless you have a great deal of purity, it's difficult to retain the higher light.

There is only one prayer and that is prayer for light, for purity, for perfection.

Buddhism itself is all about empowering yourself, not about getting what you want.

Everything that you see here, in other words, is a reflection of a higher reality.

So what you are accomplishing is entrenching yourself more and more in this world.

Spiritual balance is how you deal with opposition, outside of yourself and within.

The purpose of studying Buddhism is not to study Buddhism, but to study ourselves.

Nirvana is outside the fun house. You are walking around in the fun house forever.

Everyone will admire you when you do well. What a horrible thing to do to someone.

If science proves some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change.

I believe in Buddhism. Not every aspect, but most of it. So I take bits and pieces.

The key to meditation is focusing on specific symbols. The symbols are the chakras.

Your tonal must accept that the nagual exists and that it's beneficial and healthy.

Meditation is the freeing of ourselves from all mental states and concepts of self.

On the day that you were born, you began to die. Do not waste a single moment more!

If you can't think of an enlightened person positively, don't think of them at all.

To study Buddhism is to study ourselves. To study ourselves is to forget ourselves.

Any good athletic is always in a state of perpetual training, as is the Zen student.

I was studying Tibetan Buddhism when I was quite young, again influenced by Kerouac.

Samadhi is the highest octave spiritual light. Not the best, but the highest octave.

The sensual world cannot be avoided. We're in it at every moment. We are part of it.

If the tonal collapses completely, then you're crazy functionally, you're psychotic.

Life is perception. We perceive through different parts of the body of the universe.

Sex is like any other transaction, except that it is not like any other transaction.

The ku-magic is a very ancient magic. It predates Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

I know a lot of ways to happiness! I also know some pretty fast shortcuts to misery.

The universe is a giant perceptual matrix. It perceives itself through its substance

One evening you may learn about enlightenment, koans, meditation and personal power.

Hindus believe in God positively. Buddhism does not try to know whether He is or not.

Tantric Zen leads to illumination and fun right here and now, which is why I like it.

The mind of the Buddha is perfect because it is empty and yet it contains all things.

The world is wonderful. It is beautiful when you are in a correct level of attention.

Buddhism is the process of getting to that part of us that is always eternally happy.

The problem is that the dictator of the tonal wants to eliminate the mystery of life.

Our field trips are an opportunity for you to enter into the world of mystical power.

Mindfulness is so powerful that the fact that it comes out of Buddhism is irrelevant.

Bow and offer your meditation to Eternity, as you would offer a Flower to your lover.

Self is the perception of perception. Beyond self there's no perception of perception.

I don't know how much you know about Zen, but you'll know less when I'm done with you.

Everyone is on the verge of insanity ... insanity meaning on the verge of the unknown.

People who meditate deeply find wonderful things happening in their life all the time.

In Buddhism what we seek to do is change ourselves into someone who's beautiful to be.

When one side or the other predominates, there's an imbalance and there's unhappiness.

Thought is the ultimate tonal. Each thought is like a dike that blocks out the nagual.

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