Tibetan Buddhism, has inspired me and accelerated my understanding of life.

Dharma simply means the right thing in the right place, in the right space.

I've never seen a society that thinks about sex so much and gets so little!

A reverence for life needs to be developed, in which all things are sacred.

Nothing goes right on the outside when nothing is going right on the inside.

The tonal is the sense of place. It is order and reason in a world of chaos.

When we open our heart up to someone, that energy, of course, comes into us.

Our awareness creates life. Life does not exist independently of perception.

There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt.

When you think of Buddhism, you're likely to think of peace and tranquility.

Humility is the conscious awareness and acceptance of eternity as your body.

The final result of all life is your awareness. Your awareness is existence.

It's an exciting adventure to give those things that you've always held onto.

The tantric path involves taking the mind and directing it beyond the senses.

If you abuse power, you will be burned and then you will learn...if you live.

Get in touch with nature. The stillness of nature is profound and yet subtle.

You can be alone too in the city streets, among the crowds. We are all alone.

We want to be all things, not just to gain power over things - how infantile!

If you try to pull too much power through too soon, you will injure yourself.

Ego is impurity. Be selfless. Consecrate and dedicate your life to perfection.

Don't try to be someone. Be yourself. This is what mediation should teach you.

I do feel Im being respectful to Buddhism and martial arts with Mortal Kombat.

In every situation, feel before acting, just for a second. Look for a feeling.

Winning and losing are feelings; something in us knows if we have won or lost.

Big Sur is a fascinating place. It is one of the true power places in America.

Buddhism notes that it is always a mistake to think your soul can go it alone.

Simplify your life and your mind. Think more of infinity and less of yourself.

The principles of Buddhism have become more commonplace, which is a good thing.

Purity is the ability to see dharma in its manifold forms in any plane or loka.

The scriptures recommend love and service to the enlightened to develop purity.

People don't really want to be happy. They go out of their way to be miserable.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought; what we think we become.

Kundalini is almost a misleading word, unless you define it as broadly as I do.

It is necessary to go through all the daily tasks and bring perfection to them.

Be a perfect flow of energy in whatever you chose to do. This is perfect action.

Humility means that you have the courage to accept that you are eternity itself.

Instead of becoming the world’s expert on Buddhism, just let go, let go, let go.

I have been following Buddhism since 11 years now. I love the sound of chanting.

We are like an atomic structure. We've got a causal body that's linked together.

You are a being of light composed of cells of light joined together in a matrix.

The shortest distance between two points is your mind. It's not a straight line.

Their whole life will begin to shift, from their first physical contact with you.

Opinions are secondary when dealing with reality. They're subjective reflections.

Life is composed of lines of light, fibers of energy, pulsing, still, pure being.

When you're around the aura of humanity in those cities, you can't feel anything.

All things are divine. And yet, we pick and choose among them what's appropriate.

I do feel I'm being respectful to Buddhism and martial arts with 'Mortal Kombat.'

Some people travel to other dimensions in their astral bodies when they meditate.

Think of your mind as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it will become.

There's a strong aspect of Buddhism which is geared towards ending all fertility.

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