They'll kill you in a minute rather than deal with truth. It's more convenient because then they can forget about it and rationalize your death.

Consistency is nice, I think, personally. I like to be consistently happy. I like to be consistently more aware and more conscious of the truth.

Even the lucky ones, who do manage to become happy by attaining their goals, live each day in fear of losing whatever it is they may have gained.

Our actions and experiences will direct us. In other words, we will be guided by the inherent emptiness of the things we choose to interact with.

When you become angry at someone, your anger will actually have a power. You can hit somebody in a non-physical way and it can injure that being.

Ecstasy should not be viewed as an unusual experience, but rather a natural experience - feeling all of the living matrix of existence around us.

The bully on the block who beats up somebody doesn't become more powerful. All they do is walk around inside their own mind with an inflated ego.

Dharma doesn't necessarily mean following a mundane and boring life. It means a life of high adventure, not a life of endless, boring repetition.

When there is no thought in the mind, no thought of thought, when the mind is quiet but fully alert, we experience a little bit of enlightenment.

Thousands and thousands of incarnations and nothing to show for it. You must choose whether to follow the path of love or the path of attachment.

When we go to the desert, it's pure nagual. There you witness stupendous and incredible acts of power that your reason cannot possibly deal with.

The sensual experiences in life are not to be avoided. This is the philosophy of Tantric Buddhism - nor are they particularly to be sought after.

Have your life properly aligned with dharma. The technicalities of the movement of the kundalini are easy to master. Dharma is much more complex.

You need a job. You need a career. You need a focus. Otherwise, you will just pick up lots of strange psychic energy because you are not focused.

There is an alternative. It's an old alternative. It's not for everybody. It's only for people who are smart, limited market. It's enlightenment.

The danger to power is obsession - power junkies. You need a very strong mind and humor to balance yourself. If you don't, you will get shredded.

Anything that you might want to be is around somewhere. You can become it. You just have to get into the state of mind that allows that to occur.

Physical circumstance will not cause happiness. Or if it does, there is the fear of loss. Now you are a slave to it. You have become bound to it.

There are those who want to revolutionize the world with meditation. I really don't think that is necessary. The world is already revolutionized.

As you gain more discipline over your body, you will find that a corollary discipline will develop in the mind because the two really go together.

Unlock the power of the will. Learn balance and gain the knowledge and wisdom necessary to guide those powers, to succeed in sports and athletics.

Never think too much of yourself. Realize you are only an instrument of eternity. Do not get stuck in that terrible trap. You can lose everything.

The person in the business suit who works on Wall Street, who does their work perfectly, is probably evolving a lot faster, if they also meditate.

Everything is dependent upon your state of mind. That is all there is, states of mind, ten thousand of them. Beyond all states of mind is nirvana.

All happiness is inside your own mind. Chances are, you have not discovered that. Meditation is about experiencing the happiness inside your mind.

Stop being jealous, I mean, to be jealous is to suggest that God doesn't know what she is doing. This is ridiculous! She does everything perfectly

Learn to overcome the imprinting that you now have and gain a new and higher imprinting that will lead you into the luminous spheres of awareness.

They had the same fears that you have, the same aggressive tendencies and the same attachments, but they were freed in time because they believed.

If meditate on the third eye and have headaches it means you are trying to pull in too much power from the occult chakra. The danger is obsession.

There is a still center of the universe. Within that still center are all things, all achievements, all loses, everything and nothing exist there.

Real happiness is something most people never know. What we experience in deep meditation, that ecstasy is beyond what human beings call happiness

Nirvikalpa samadhi or sahaja samadhi is all the way up. You get above the cloud line to the land of eternal snows and it's ecstasy beyond ecstasy.

The Anza Borrego Desert is a place of power, where different planes and realities intersect. It is easier to see and enter into other planes here.

You need to have the humility to accept your limitations as long as they're there, and have the humility to accept their end when that time comes.

This sounds really hokey, but I think Buddhism is the only religion that is genuinely peaceful, so I'd try to promote it in a contemporary society.

The intuitive mind is nonphysical. It is not part of the brain or any other cellular structure in the physical body. It is part of the causal body.

An imbalanced association is when one or both parties become abusive and takes unfair advantage, tries to block another's enlightenment or success.

When you experience the light, voila, you're happy. The very nature of the light is happiness. You don't have to do anything or be anybody special.

Happiness is self-generated as the mind becomes still. As we become involved with the desires of the world, we lose that centering, that stillness.

No matter how many times you have failed you must keep going forward. Only when you have become humble will you begin to grasp the meaning of life.

The chakra is a doorway. These are doorways that lead you into other dimensions. But you have to focus on them to the exclusion of everything else.

W are all carrying the imprints of our most ancient ancestors. Not simply in the genetic code, but in the imprints of attention that are passed on.

It is the quick path. We turn everything inside out and upside down - which is when it gets straightened out very neatly and in an orderly fashion.

When you go to a power place, if you are receptive, if you are able to quiet your thoughts and concentrate, a lot of that power can enter into you.

If you want to experience the unalloyed ecstasy of life, you can accomplish this through the twin Buddhist practices of meditation and mindfulness.

Leave behind the passive dreaming of a rose-tinted future. The energy of happiness exists in living today with roots sunk firmly in reality's soil.

Life is wonder, endless, ceaseless wonder. If your energy level is low, then everything is gray, two-dimensional, boring, frustrating, and unhappy.

We are in the twilight of this earth. The societies and civilizations of human beings will not endure much longer because of their abuses of power.

Wisdom isn't to know these words. Wisdom isn't to have ideas or philosophies - those are just thoughts. Wisdom is to be that perfect consciousness.

For some reason, there is a purity to the Swiss Alps - a certain energy - that is very reminiscent of my snowboarding experiences in the Himalayas.

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