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When you meditate you are accessing eternity. You are plugging yourself into that source which is all light and all beauty and all perfection.
Very few people are conscious of the deeper strata of eternity. The primary reason is either because they lack purity or they lack motivation.
Nirvana is the center of things; then there are the outer bandings of attention. The universe is a mind. At the center of its mind is nirvana.
Beyond happiness and unhappiness is truth. Truth is not affected by anything in the relative world. Truth is the unifying aspect of existence.
A great deal of humility is necessary in the process of self-discovery. Humility is the ability to accept what and who you are at this moment.
The idea that Buddhism denies what is called in the West individual immortality is a mistake, so far as the Buddhist scriptures are concerned.
A person with power has control of their emotions. A person with power can stop fear, stop depression, or they can augment a positive emotion.
Gain control of the mind and make it still, initially just during periods of meditation, but then throughout the day and throughout the night.
I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life
Don't condemn yourself - that only increases the hold of impurity. Accept your limitations but know that you're working towards changing them.
I am a Teacher. I am the keeper of mysteries. You seek knowledge and power, Truth, Light, and happiness. I am happy to aid you in your search.
We cut up time and space and mind and place and being and non-being. We create a world of ideas. This is duality, pairs of apparent opposites.
The shushumna is a tube. It is an astral tube, like a reed. It runs from the base of the spine to between the eyebrows and a little bit above.
Enlightenment is already there inside us and all things. All we have to do is get something out of the way that is causing us not to see that.
When I first was exposed to Buddhism in the mid-1960s, I said it was so practical and utterly pragmatic. That's what attracted me to Buddhism.
You don't need anybody to tell you what is right or wrong. What you need, perhaps, is someone to show you how to come to those understandings.
Everything around us is shifting all the time. Energy is moving in all things. What gives energy a continuity, what creates a pattern, is you.
Don't try to hold people to you, don't try to push them away. Let life do everything for you. This is the proper attitude on the path of love.
From infinite awareness, something comes forward, a sense of infinite awareness and finite awareness. That perception is the birth of a being.
What these people do here is obviously not working. They sit in their commuter traffic hour after hour. They make the earth a toxic waste dump.
You can get stuck in one state of mind or a general area of mind for a thousand lifetimes. Some states of mind afford better views than others.
You can't throw your ego away, but you can use its innate desire to experience that which is beyond itself to give you the impetus to meditate.
There is a time you can't turn it back. When a person is very destructive, when they hate you tremendously, you have to disassociate with them.
Focus on this moment. Hold your hand and see what it feels like. Go look at some grass. Talk to a palm tree. Outrun a Ferrari. Experience life.
The emptiness of play is when there is no self present. There is no one playing - there is only play itself taking place, perfect fluid motion.
It's very funny. People do not want to achieve liberation or be happy. This is the basic guideline they teach you in Spiritual Training School.
When you are not following dharma, then you will not be at peace. You will not be happy. The simplest things will seem to be endless obstacles.
Dharma is the Truth that all of existence is. It does not disagree with anything. It is the perception of existence in its purest formlessness.
When you meditate, you take charge of your life. You bring your conscious awareness to a new high point, where the vista is beyond any horizon.
Open up to the other dimensional planes so you can penetrate the mysteries of existence and enjoy the wonder of being, the wonder of being you.
The aggregates that we pick up in the human plane will be washed away, and we will become pure spirit, pure light, pure love, and pure ecstasy.
To have some deep feeling about Buddhism is not the point; we just do what we should do, like eating supper and going to bed. This is Buddhism.
The study of law, medicine and the arts, in each of these instances, the developed mindset is very helpful to one who is practicing meditation.
If you are a person who wants an uncommonly fine life, if you're willing to put in some time each day to do that, then that will happen to you.
When you realize that the ego is making you miserable you don't identify with it. You identify with your soul's humility and the ego dissolves.
I learned from my own teachers, a long time ago in another universe, the quality of quiet fortitude that is renewed by a person's love of light.
Mindfulness is the ability to do physical things in a harmonious way; it is a way to remain centered in a physical world that is out of balance.
When we see a hero, on the one hand, we applaud them; on the other hand, there is something in a lot of people that wants to tear the hero down.
In the classical spiritual definition, a soul mate is someone that you have reincarnated with many times. You find each other in many lifetimes.
When you meditate deeply, you will see beyond life and death. You will see that you can't die and you can't be reborn. You are existence itself.
The idea that Buddhism denies what is called in the West 'individual immortality' is a mistake, so far as the Buddhist scriptures are concerned.
I have a great deal of spiritual dignity. It's on loan from eternity, and you do too, and we have to use it in our relationship with each other.
Open-minded people tend to be interested in Buddhism because Buddha urged people to investigate things - he didn't just command them to believe.
It is most important to have time alone. To be alone is not to be alone. It is only possible to truly feel immortality when we are by ourselves.
Buddhism has existed forever, just like we have, and occasionally it's codified; it's put together into a system by someone who likes to codify.
In Buddhism, we talk of meditation as an act of awakening, to be awake to the fact that the earth is in danger and living species are in danger.
Nirvana isn't a physical place. It is not like going to heaven. It just means no more individualized awareness, no aggregate body of experience.
That was my real education in the world - I learned politics, the social and cultural life of India, Hindu tradition and religion, and Buddhism.
I think the most miraculous thing is learning. I get out of the way and let the students learn. Then you get to watch this amazing thing happen.