There is a wonderful continuity of being, the continuous awareness of self, a sense of yourself continuing in time and space.

Forever is not an idea or a concept, it is reality. All of the things here come from forever. We call forever nirvana in Zen.

When you manipulate others your attention level drops and you become prey, for you have dropped to the plane of manipulation.

Tantric Zen is not being kinky; nor is it being conservative and austere. It is eclectic. It is a real mixture of all things.

How do you overcome the negative karmas and problems and misery that occur to people who abuse power? You stop abusing power.

In the Far East, we look at life in terms of circles. In the West, they look at life more in terms of squares and rectangles.

The sign that the kundalini is releasing is not the development of miraculous powers, but that your mind is becoming quieter.

Nirvana is the other side, the source of all things, where all the aggregates come from, where the templates of infinity are.

I don't want to convert people to Buddhism - all major religions, when understood properly, have the same potential for good.

Meditation is the pathway to enlightenment, and I would encourage you to follow that pathway as far as you can, into ecstasy.

Fame does not make you happy. It just makes you look in the mirror a lot, worrying about how you look today for your audience.

Happiness is everything in the whole universe. It's a state of mind. Your whole life is a state of mind. So be happy, why not?

One of Buddhism’s main practices is understanding and experiencing compassion, and how that ultimately is a road to happiness.

If we develop a good heart we will progress to true compassion, and awaken Bodhicitta. This is the way of the Buddha's method.

Humility accepts that God places us in the right place at every single moment, not a moment to soon and not a moment too late.

Buddhism is in your heart. Even if you don't have any temple or any monks, you can still be a Buddhist in your heart and life.

Begin with your daily life. Take your life as a challenge and try to bring yourself into harmony with each thing in your life.

When I got sober, I really felt like there was something that was missing from my life, Buddhism is something that I practice.

There are many ways to store power. You can visit places of power, special locations on the earth that are charged with power.

Happiness comes from self-knowledge. Self-knowledge means that you have understood your mind. Your mind is the whole universe.

Everything is perception. A hallucination is a perception of a certain reality. It is a perception of a certain state of mind.

The operative condition on this particular planet, the central mode which human beings follow, is fear. We are taught to fear.

Many people think excitement is happiness.... But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.

Use career to develop yourself. Have fun with it. Dedicate your activities and your career, to eternity, and to enlightenment.

We have a spiritual community but everyone lives where they want to. I recommend certain areas to live because of their power.

Somewhere there is an essence. It is not a physical somewhere. There is no sense of world, of time and space. That is nirvana.

Your inner being already knows. It's trying to communicate with you. But it needs to shift you into a different state of mind.

Career success is using your daily work, schoolwork, work in the world, work at home, as a way of advancing your mental state.

In Zen we do everything perfectly. We feel that our outer actions are a reflection of our inner state. We call it mindfulness.

There are millions of little opportunities out there to advance yourself. But you need the personal power to see how to do it.

They too wonder about the nature of existence, where they've come from and where they're going to and how much time they have.

The sign of an advanced spiritual person is that they don't think they're an advanced spiritual person until after liberation.

Ego synthesized is selfhood, the sense of self-importance, that you really matter ... nothing could be further from the truth.

Love is something that comes to us in life. Quietly, it overwhelms us. It is something that you cultivate. You make it happen.

I was a traditional teacher for a time, but my students would ride the energy. I wanted to free people not give them a placebo.

Always walk in peace and beauty; in grace and love, speak only truth and you will be blessed. Where we are, let there be light.

There are many, many different worlds. Just as there are different continents on earth, there are different dimensional planes.

People who want to go to power places all of the time and want to be around powerful people, they don't last long in the study.

People you are emotionally open to can drain your power level or raise it tremendously, depending on what their intentions are.

For an advanced preceiver, the play of life is to assemble and reassemble the self in alternate realities of which this is one.

Most people are terribly afraid of their own sexuality, and one has to respect another person's sadhana, another person's path.

How do you develop your psychic abilities? Well, to begin with, naturally, you have to want to and believe that it is possible.

There are certain areas that you can move to on the earth that will empower you and there are certain areas that can drain you.

Humility means coming to the root of the matter, honestly looking at yourself and saying: "This is me for better or for worse."

I just felt that it was my responsibility, since so many people had taken the time to help me along, to do the same for others.

Life is not dependent upon our classifications and our categories, our science. But we are. We find it interesting and helpful.

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task.

Stop worrying about tomorrow. Stop thinking about yesterday. Mindfulness is to be here now, in the moment. Focus on this moment.

Our past affects us, our present affects us, and even our future can affect us. We live in the relative world of time and space.

People who have power, who think negatively of others and seek to injure them, are practicing a kind of voodoo, a lower sorcery.

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