The body is a very low level machine language. The language of the soul, of the mind, is much more evolved.

Whenever anybody does well spiritually, I usually ignore them. It's the greatest compliment I can pay them.

Purity is very fragile when it takes physical manifestation. It is very, very strong in its original aspect.

The ultimate intelligence of all things is your essence. Your mind is the universe. Your body is all things.

In the Buddhist scriptures, it said many births cause suffering, so Buddhism is not against family planning.

My dad's a surfer-psychologist, and my mother's an actress-fitness instructor, and we all practice Buddhism.

Discriminate between the transient and the eternal. Learn to move from complete control to complete abandon.

Maybe if you stopped asking "why" all the time, you might be happy. Leave it alone, you know? Life is happy.

I see no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity ... I intend to become as good a Buddhist as I can.

We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.

People get together and go to the movies or on hikes, but everyone maintains their own independent domicile.

Sex does drain a certain amount of your occult energy. But that really has nothing to do with enlightenment.

I have a bit of a struggle with some aspects of or forms of Buddhism, but Zen I find to be mainly congenial.

Enlightenment is cumulative. You become a little more enlightened each day as you practice yoga and Buddhism.

The Akashic Records are the impressions from all of our past lives that are available within our causal body.

As far as ignorance is concerned, not just Buddhism, every religion recognizes it as the source of suffering.

Balance is the ability to be happy in the midst of the most chaotic or even boring or transient circumstance.

As long as you are in the relative worlds, you should be realistic and know there is winning and losing here.

As you become more conscious of your body as eternity, a sense of ease, a fullness beyond description occurs.

It's not logical, self-realization. If it was, everybody would be self-realized because everybody is logical.

The problem with love is attachment; love makes you dependent. Unattached love - you love for the hell of it.

Buddhism has to do with your daily life, with your suffering and with the suffering of the people around you.

There is no time. There is no space. There is no condition. There is only awareness, awareness of these ideas.

Fulfillment of desire taken to extremes doesn't necessarily make us happy. It tends to make us rather cynical.

To occupy yourself with tasks that are useful to yourself and others, you can get your mind off your problems.

You don't have to do anything to meditate. That's what makes it so difficult. Everybody wants to do something.

The reason one enters into lower mental states is because you don't have the power or chi flowing through you.

The more lives you have, the harder it is to change, yet the stronger you are. It's a kind of funny dichotomy.

What I term Zen, old Zen, the original face of Zen, new Zen, pure Zen, or Tantric Zen is - Zen in its essence.

It is necessary to have a very liberal and simultaneously very conservative mentality to practice Tantric Zen.

The universe is complicated and we're not going to get it all in one night or one incarnation or one infinity.

Learn the motions of infinity within your mind. Your mind becomes a perfect mirror to the motions of infinity.

There are thousands of worlds, thousands of dimensional planes, billions. Life is endless. It goes on forever.

The etiquette is higher consciousness, sensitivity, gentleness, gracefulness, intensity, power, and knowledge.

If you want to create a different character, you can do so just by altering your style of dress and cosmetics.

"The person next to me meditates better than I do. They're purer." - This is the ego feeling sorry for itself.

The planes of consciousness are correlated to what we call the chakras, which are located along the shushumna.

People want power but not wisdom. Power without wisdom is a very dangerous thing. Better to have wisdom first.

The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favourable.

Some people meditate because they need more energy and when you meditate you get a tremendous amount of energy.

They have said this is a lower level. Ridiculous! They're really both the same light, just two different forms.

Next to meditation itself, I really can't think of anything more important than the development of your career.

If your awareness was strong enough, you could change the fate of a whole world without ever leaving your room.

My father gave me a copy of 'Seven Years in Tibet,' and that's what turned me on to Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.

No one sees life like you do, because you are no one. You change constantly, like the light outside the window.

In the training process, the teacher addresses two sides of your being. One is the tonal and one is the nagual.

What the teacher does is sweep all of the logic, order and reason onto one side and make that side very strong.

A mantra is a thought. Use a mantra to help you still your mind initially and then move into silent meditation.

It is more important to repeat a mantra several times with total absorption than to parrot it for hours on end.

The more moral you pretend to be, the less moral you are; the less moral you try to be, the more moral you are.

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