If you meditate you will be able to find new ways to utilize your career and the routines of daily life.

Liberation means no rebirth. Now, does that mean you don't reincarnate? Well, you never did reincarnate.

Every time you find yourself becoming angry, jealous or frustrated, stop and think the opposite thought.

Shakespeare said: "There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow." Everything happens perfectly.

Anybody or anything can become enlightened because enlightenment is the very nature of existence itself.

Just because you are innocent does not mean that others cannot harm you. History teaches us that lesson.

The light is already there. In Zen Buddhism there's a little speck of dust on the mirror, and that's us.

Your tonal will enable you to deal with the world well, to do well in a career and interact with others.

The navel center will bring the power of all three of the lower chakras into your being, but with safety.

Real humility is something that no one else will see. No one will know about your humility, if it's real.

The causal body is the determining factor in the changes that occur within your structure or growth rate.

This world only brings things apart that come together, and brings things together that weren't together.

Why waste your time being around people who drag you down? You don't live forever, at least in this life.

I do regard Islam to be a religion of peace in the same sense as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are.

Your ego interferes, your sense of self. When you let go of the mind, the Frisbee will take its own path.

Watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.

Don Juan speaks of the island of the tonal as something that's in the middle of the ocean ... the nagual.

If there were no world, no time, no space, no condition, if none of us existed, that would be meditation.

It's very difficult to stay angry when a room full of bald guys in orange robes start giggling. Buddhism.

There's degradation of the environment. But the real issue is the degradation of one's inner environment.

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.

You are either in this world or the other worlds, and it all depends on how much you are in your own ego.

If you can't hold a person in your mind with a good thought, it is better not to think about them at all.

I could justify violence only in this extreme case, to save the last living knowledge of Buddhism itself.

I must play my role, great or small - that is humility, without self-importance, without self-indulgence.

There are lots of people who work out and aren't at all powerful in terms of their mind or their spirits.

Like a robe wears out over time and turns to rags, life wears out from day to day, from second to second.

The best form of meditation is the sitting meditation. But work is next. Work is a great way to meditate.

Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don't struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality.

In the West people are basically oblivious to power, solstices, enlightenment and everything that matters.

I have found a much greater appreciation of Buddhism because I couldn't take it for granted here in exile.

You will always see, if this group is a highly evolved group or on the way up, a movement towards oneness.

The real dance is within; it is within your mind. Everything is inside your mind. God is inside your mind.

If you are in a state of mind in which all things are one, then you can spend your time in lingerie shops.

There is no continuity at all. The universe isn't any particular way. It strictly depends upon perception.

Changing the way you dress can make it easier to make deeper changes in the structure of your personality.

If one thinks of an enlightened person in a negative way, as it hits their aura, it returns very strongly.

The miracle of enlightenment is that you take the self and let it dissolve in the white light of eternity.

The only "definitive truth" for Buddhism is the absolute negation of any one truth as the Definitive Truth.

If you wait till you're very sure, then you'll find yourself doing it, and when you do there'll be an ease.

Hate is the last refuge of the ignorant. Love is the medicine. Compassion is the gift of the awakened ones.

Wisdom is to see the difference between nirvana and this world, this self-reflection that the mind creates.

People may wish to say that the thing that is in conflict with my creativity is not Buddhism - that's fine.

You are not a singular self. You are a corporation. Inside you is eternity. A human being is not so simple.

In lower levels things are dark, gray, experiences are shallow. You become alienated from those around you.

Buddhism has turned me on to my humanness, and is challenging my humanness so that I can become more human.

Learn not to judge your meditation. Just meditate, do your best, set a minimum period of time and meditate.

If you line everything up, just right, you walk through a doorway where the world as you know it collapses.

For me, Buddhism is a psychology and a philosophy that provides a means, upayas, for working with the mind.

When you love someone, you shouldn't feel that they should love in return. You have to give people freedom.

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