Clint Eastwood is an extraordinary director because he knows the value of a buck. He knows where it will show on the screen.

I bet a guy at a bar 50 bucks that I was more dysfunctional than he was. He raped me. So I tipped him. I'm very competitive.

Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.

My first guitar was a Les Paul that I bought off a friend for 500 bucks. I worked a long time to save up enough money for it.

When you can sell [empty seats] at the gate for an upgrade for 500 bucks or 600 bucks... it makes all the sense in the world.

When the decision is up before you-and on my desk I have a motto which says "The buck stops here"-the decision has to be made.

In my junior high and high school days, I would just pick up a mower and go mow the neighbor's grass and make an extra 30 bucks.

With such enormous bucks devoted to trading in oil and other commodities, the distortions that they cause have been exacerbated.

I watch Dragon Gate, New Japan, NXT, AEW. I love the Lucha Bros, The Young Bucks. Mainly I watch the guys in the shows that I'm on.

I was in Bucks County at the 'Bucks County Currier Times,' which is a great place to start for any reporter who wants to start out.

To make a quick buck, but over time, if you're not creating value for others, customers, society, isn't going to let you be around.

I grew up with the Grand Ole Opry, Dottie West, Conway Twitty, Buck Owens... not realizing it was influencing me as much as it was.

There's only 10 guys making big bucks in wrestling, and the rest of them they're making good money, but they're not blowing it away.

If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it.

I'm after the bucks because bucks give you the power, power gives you the freedom, and freedom lets you send money home to your mother.

I put 'Ghost' online hoping to make a couple hundred bucks, but then the next day, I took meetings with five different record companies.

I didn't have to do paper routes. I'd sing for 5 bucks a crack at weddings and church functions; I'd have four or five on some Saturdays.

You can't push the envelope at 10,000 RPM and expect to come out smelling like a rose and feeling like a million bucks on the other side.

Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life. Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.

If I fail, the film industry writes me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart.

Sport is increasingly played according to the tune, and rules, of those with the biggest bucks, whether their practices be legal or illegal.

There are certainly things labels can still provide that indie artists cant. They can pave the way to radio and pay big bucks for promotion.

There are certainly things labels can still provide that indie artists can't. They can pave the way to radio and pay big bucks for promotion.

If an actor is going to be an action hero, do it in a Robert Rodriguez movie, because that guy is going to make you look like a million bucks.

The first job I ever had was singing in a jazz club when I was like 15 with my friend, and we earned like 70 bucks. We were like, 'Oh my God!'

The further you go on the show, the larger the budget gets. But in the beginning they were just like, "Here's a hundred bucks in L.A. Good luck."

Coming up in bars and clubs, I would play anything that had a $20 bill attached to it. I did 'Like a Virgin' in a bar one time for a hundred bucks.

Relationships are kind of like riding a bull. You hang on for dear life and sometimes you get a little buck here and there ... but you get back on.

My mum raised three kids on her own on sweatshop wages of about six bucks an hour so there was a lot of late rent and landlords knocking on the door.

I have no idea what's going to happen. Who knows - if they can't afford to buy a boat, maybe they buy a print. Who knows what happens with their buck?

The players in the promotion business today are, by and large, not in it for the art anymore. It's all about how many bucks can you make on a concert.

As a child growing up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, my connection to my Indian roots came from summer visits to New Delhi where my grandparents lived.

My first signing bonus was 3,500 bucks. I bought speakers and a five-disc carousel CD changer. Dude, I thought I was the wealthiest quarterback around.

Insurance companies pay big bucks for procedures but next to nothing for patient consultations and preventive medicine, which is what most medicine is.

I think it's great fun sometimes when I am playing golf, just to give it a little uch, is to bet the other guy five bucks a hole or something like that.

I clutched at the brow. The mice in my interior had now got up an informal dance and were buck-and-winging all over the place like a bunch of Nijinskys.

I don't know if we have any action going on, so there shouldn't be anybody worried about the rumors if it entails the Milwaukee Bucks. This is our team.

I think I'm long past the days where I would go to the store and drop a couple hundred bucks on CDs, so my playlist is gonna be pretty long in the tooth.

When I got the 'Blue Album,' I was 11 years old, 10 years old, and then I convinced my parents to go and get my first drum kit, which was, like, 600 bucks.

I was kind of secretly hoping one of my kids would go out and make a million bucks. So when they put me in a home, at least I'll have a window with a view.

A lot of time, when you're poor and you ain't got but 15, 20 bucks in your pocket - if you can't change your shoes, you can change your look with a haircut.

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson were not giants, they were giants in the ring, they drew money, people loved them and that's what you find in the Young Bucks.

It was a poor decision on my end to definitely disrespect the game. Poor decision of mine to misrepresent the Bucks, myself, my family, obviously my teammates.

I was a telemarketer in my senior year at high school. I had to sell prosthetic limbs to paralysed veterans. I was making 150 bucks a week and it was horrible.

If all else fails, I could go to a train station and open up my saxophone case and make some bucks. I can do "Mary Had A Little Lamb," I can do "Happy Birthday."

I've seen beautiful actresses get spat at or just someone trying to get a rise out of them so they can get an extra hundred bucks for a photo. It's really rough.

The door hardware in kitchens is super simple to update. It's essentially a few screws, standard spacing. It's a few bucks a piece and it can make a huge impact.

The Bucks and John Hammond chose me in the draft, got me in the NBA, kept me in the team with a role from my very first season, and they are my basketball family.

We are taking close to $10 a CD the way we are doing it, and I think that is a fair amount to split up between five guys. Each of us makes like two bucks a record.

We didn't leave home until we graduated high school, but when we did, we genuinely left. We went out into the world with 50 bucks, backpacks, and acoustic guitars.

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