I would love to play for the Browns.

Hash browns are my favorite breakfast food.

I really enjoyed my time playing in a Browns uniform.

This just in: Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3.

The Cleveland Browns fans really are the greatest fans.

If I'm not the right fit for the Browns, that's fine by me.

Kevin Zeitler, who plays for the Browns, he watches quite a bit of anime.

When you mention the Cleveland Browns to me, it brings back vast memories.

Cleveland, as a whole, is a great sports town. People love the Browns here.

I'm a humungous Browns fan. My 30th birthday was actually at the Browns' stadium.

The fan base for the Cleveland Browns is more passionate than Green Bay Packers fans.

I specifically had my son wear a Browns jersey on the streets of Pittsburgh while we were there.

I lived in Cleveland for a summer when I was 12, and I was a ball boy for the Browns, which few people know.

I drew a lot of inspiration from the Ginuwines, the Ushers, the Michael Jacksons, the James Browns, Sam Cooke.

I'm stuck with being No. 32 for the Cleveland Browns. I can't do anything about that, and I don't' want to do anything about it.

I cannot pretend to be impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.

I want to be the guy that turns around the Cleveland Browns. The guy that does that is going to be immortalized in Cleveland forever.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a great leader, possesses the highest possible character, and also happens to be a Browns fan.

Fantasy football has changed how I watch football because now every game is interesting start to finish. Even when its the Browns and Lions.

On the 'Blacks & Browns' record, it's me and Sad Boy. He's a Hispanic artist, and we're talking about what we got going on with our peoples.

I love playing Rosie on 'Devious Maids,' and I think that if Rosie would have an NFL team to root for, she would also be a Cleveland Browns fan.

Goodbye not because I'm retiring, but because I'm merely changing jobs. From being your left tackle to being the No. 1 fan of the Cleveland Browns.

Basically there is no difference between whites and blacks, browns and yellows. I decided to think no more of people as Northerners and Southerners.

I would not be on the level did I not confess that I always have believed that the old Browns were a great team, one of the greatest ever organized.

The painter I really thought I could learn from was Cezanne - some sort of resemblance to oranges and greens and browns of the dry season in St. Lucia.

A cake is a very good test of an oven: if it browns too much on one side and not on the other, it's not your fault - you need to have your oven checked.

I couldn't be prouder to say that I work for the Cleveland Browns, and all I know is this: Jimmy and Dee Haslam, I have immense respect for these people.

The Browns have unbelievable medical resources. I'm always seeking the best help and advice possible. I'll continue to do that even when my career is over.

Always a big fan of the Browns, of course. No wonder how bad they lost or how much we froze to death out there, we still went to the games to watch them lose.

I think the greatest all-around athlete ever was Jim Brown. He played lacrosse, basketball and ran track at Syracuse. He played professional football for the Browns.

Growing up I was a Cleveland Browns fan and my mood would change based on how they were playing. If they were losing I wasn't as happy, I wasn't as excited, I was a little sad.

On the lids, I stick to browns and golds. It doesn't look like I'm wearing a lot on my eyes, but I don't really know how to do a smoky eye, so I just try and keep it pretty easy.

I love Cleveland. I really do. I love the Browns, I love being a part of this organization, and it's been kind of my career's mission to help turn this team around into a consistent winner.

You don't need a uniform color: We used a mixture of brick red, browns and grays, and then threw in seashells, branches and various types of rock, so our walls ended up looking like cave paintings!

If you listen to The Browns, it's a very pretty sound. It was sibling harmony, a sound that was very pleasing. I've never heard anybody that could come close to that particular sound. It couldn't be imitated.

Despite everything I've been through, despite being a kid with a spotty background, the Cleveland Browns stuck their neck out and risked taking me and put their faith and belief in me, and I won't let them down.

It would be like when the Cubs won the World Series. Everybody in the country has probably been cheering for them for so long because they've been suffering for so long. And you want to cheer for teams like the Browns.

I didn't expect to be doing a whole bunch of Amber Browns. And because it was just one book, and the father had moved away, I didn't realize I was going to have to deal more with shared custody, divorce and all those issues.

I love the tones of browns and grays - I love more neutral tones. That's why I like going to the desert and working in the desert. I find that green trees and things like that have a tendency to lock us into a certain way of seeing.

I've always liked the history of the game of football, and then, when you mention the Cleveland Browns to me, it brings back vast memories, and I can't just wait to try to build and establish this thing and just move this thing forward.

I never had the slightest desire to be a major league manager, and all knew it. But Ban Johnson, Bob Hedges, and Jimmy McAleer persuaded me that the Browns were in a sort of a jam, and it was up to me, as an old standby, to do what I could.

I have let down many in Cleveland - my Browns teammates, our hard-working coaching staff, the team's ownership, and the loyal fan base that wants nothing more than to win. Playing there is different than in many other cities. We feel the fans pain.

The only time my Dad ever said I might have not gotten something because of how I look was when I auditioned for Tyler Perry's 'Meet the Browns.' My dad didn't think I was 'black enough' for the show. My dad isn't the most politically correct person.

I don't want to find out what celebrity X, who is a Browns fan, thinks of the zone blitz scheme. I don't think that's the sort of thing that I would even ask many people when they come on the show; it's very obtuse, even if they are an expert on football.

I think people who grow up in one particular environment, like the Alabama-Auburn game, they don't ever get the same appreciation for the Ohio State-Michigan game or the Michigan State-Notre Dame game or the Michigan-Michigan State game, the Browns and the Steelers.

I see myself in a Cleveland Browns uniform and a return for Josh Gordon. Hopefully this time, the biggest and the best I've ever been. Really looking forward to giving the people what they deserve, not letting anyone down, myself included. And exceeding their expectations.

As African-Americans, that's what's being played fast and loose with, our citizenship. When you have the Trayvon Martins and the Michael Browns being shot and killed, it's because, on a certain level, there is a kind of mutability in the understanding of citizenship around the black body.

Were it not for Jackie Robinson, Branch Rickey would be remembered, if at all, as a Bible-thumping midwestern Methodist windbag who neither played baseball on Sundays when he was a mediocre catcher for the St. Louis Browns and the New York Highlanders, nor attended games on the Sabbath as a baseball executive.

I lost a bet with another model. We were watching a Cleveland Browns game, and she told me I should be a model. I said that models are pretentious people who don't eat. She said, 'If you choose the winning team, I'll do you a favor. If I choose the winning team, you'll go to a casting call.' She won, so I went.

When I was growing up, my dad wore a lot of browns and greens - darker colours, autumnal colours. When I was on the BBC news trainee scheme, around the turn of the millennium, we had someone come in and talk to us about what you wear on television, and I was told that khakis, greens and browns went very well with my skin tone.

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