The smartest guys are the best broadcasters.

I hear from broadcasters pretty often. Their ad revenue is down.

People are fed up with broadcasters pushing the boundaries too far.

Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters.

It would be helpful if broadcasters were willing to be a bit patriotic.

If the broadcasters were to win on their claims, they'd outlaw the DVR.

The joy of being a broadcaster is, if you're still allowed to choose your own music.

America's international broadcasters are an important part of the face we present to the world.

I try to avoid saying 'fantastic' too often and 'obviously' is a dangerous word for all broadcasters.

It's been great to see broadcasters waking up to the fact that women do offer a different perspective.

We need creative people working with broadcasters, making smart content to inspire people to be geniuses.

People like Bryant Gumbel and Bob Costas are terrific broadcasters because they get challenged every day.

For those broadcasters who are less than responsible, the FCC needs to have sharper teeth to enforce the law.

Guys like Howard Stern, Bill O'Reilly, Jim Rome, Bill Maher, those are the guys I love and respect as broadcasters.

The number one lobby that opposes campaign finance reform in the United States is the National Association of Broadcasters.

We need our national broadcasters to bring people together, to reflect our common values, and to showcase these values to the world.

Ultimately, broadcasters and advertisers have to change the way they do business or they run the risk of linear TV becoming obsolete.

I'm of the opinion that fans are often best served by broadcasters who have the best relationships with the people they are talking about.

There's broadcasters that make me enjoy what I'm seeing because of their energy and how they explain what's happening and paint that picture.

I don't think the BBC supporting digital switchover is top slicing. Top slicing is putting the license fee up for grabs for other broadcasters to bid for.

For me, the main principle for broadcasters has to be that if people stand to benefit from an interview, they should be prepared to face some downside as well.

I never practice calls. Everything you hear is reactionary. The way I look at it is that broadcasters are just paid observers, just there to tell you what we see.

We've recognized that Twitter is the second screen for TV, and TV is more fun with Twitter. There are a bunch of ways that we can be complementary to broadcasters.

American families want high-quality children's television programming. Unfortunately, due to outdated rules, broadcasters are hamstrung from meeting market demand.

In Europe, there is no television filmmaking legislation that could assist film production because private broadcasters are not interested in supporting Polish film.

Broadcasters and production companies often don't appreciate the complexities of viewing habits, but Gogglebox has highlighted how in-depth people go when watching TV.

It is now a pleasure to go to any of the Premier League grounds. They are so welcoming, not just to me but to all the broadcasters - all media, really, you have to say.

Bill O'Reilly is smooth. He's one of very few broadcasters I know who can squeeze a weeks-long news cycle from one incident and make it entertaining regardless the time stamp.

Broadcasters realise there is a large percentage of women that watch cricket and it was the Caribbean Premier League that first got me to commentate a men's international T20.

I've always thought Wrestlemania is a special event that brings the best out of everybody, whether it's the wrestlers or the broadcasters or whomever, and I still believe that.

We've always been a slightly specialist interest, and as you get older, for specialist interest programmes I think broadcasters are probably looking for younger talent, really.

Broadcasters have a responsibility to serve the public interest and protect Americans from objectionable content, particularly during the hours when children are likely to be watching.

Advertising revenue available for all programmers, all broadcasters is not enough to create quality programming, and subscription revenues are very, very minimal which come to all programmers.

If you look at the history of broadcasting, what you find is the National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association whose mission is to protect the interests of the commercial broadcasters.

Isn't it only appropriate that, in return for the free use of the public spectrum, broadcasters provide something substantial, something that wouldn't otherwise be provided by marketplace competition?

I would never be one to critique the announcers when I watched games. I try to watch the play and listen to the broadcasters and what they are pointing out. I was never one to say this one was good or bad.

Some people are averse to change, but the advertising model is going to change with or without the Hopper. What we're saying to the broadcasters is, 'There's a way for you not to put your head in the sand.'

The game needs to be funded by sponsors, by members, by broadcasters. There needs to be a commercial relationship between the FFA and the people who supply the money so it is a natural alliance. Sport is not a charity.

In the end, I am confident that we can revise our rules to provide necessary and appropriate flexibility for local broadcasters while preserving and/or improving the experience of those watching children's programming.

Twitch launched in June of 2011, and our growth ever since has exceeded even my expectations, which were not small. A year and a half later, the community of broadcasters and viewers has multiplied hundreds of percent.

If the federal government believes free contraception is vital, then surely it can find another way to implement it than by forcing family businesses and religious broadcasters and others to violate their religious beliefs.

I sometimes wonder, with the Oxbridge comics, the broadcasters seem to say, at some point, now I trust you to do a documentary, you can be the voice for a maths show, or whatever. I don't think we're ever considered in that way.

People play games seriously. People host tournaments. People watch other people play and listen to broadcasters talking about it. The kind of entire ecosystem we see around other sports and forms of entertainment has formed around games as well.

When I visited Israel for the first time, in 2014, on a trip sponsored by the National Religious Broadcasters, I went to the Museum of The Bible with our group. There, we saw the most ancient and original versions of both the Hebrew and Christian bibles.

If you want to initiate a broader debate about racism, is it really healthy to create an atmosphere in which it is not only statues that are being toppled but a range of cultural artefacts, TV series, celebrities, columnists and controversial broadcasters?

Broadcasters calling a big game are often reminded to let the action breathe. A great moment of a televised game doesn't need any narration, which is why the announcers - the good ones, anyway - shut up at the celebration and let the pictures do the talking.

In 1996, Al Jazeera was the first TV station in the Arab world to allow Israelis to appear on the screen and express their views and address the Arab world. Before that, Arab broadcasters did not allow what was perceived as the enemy to appear on the screen.

The commercial broadcasters have tremendous influence in Washington, D.C., for a couple of reasons. First, they're extremely rich and they have lots of money and they have had for a long time, so they can give money to politicians, which gets their attention.

Both traditional broadcasters and podcasters are betting heavily on the growth of voice-driven technology and so-called smart speakers, the theory being that it is as easy to ask Amazon's Alexa to play you the 'Guardian Books' podcast as it is to get it to play Capital FM.

While the documentary community is way ahead of Hollywood, it is still nowhere near where it needs to be. Filmmakers of color rarely get hired by the powerful production companies, and they are not getting supported enough by broadcasters and funders to tell their own stories.

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