The paternalism of the Conservative party is breathtaking.

A young lady ought to be two things: tasteful and breathtaking.

Those who know are wise. Those who know themselves are enlightened.

The speed and trajectory of BlackRock's ascent have been breathtaking.

Ang Lee - he is amazing. I think doing a film with him would be breathtaking.

Who is not afraid of pure space - that breathtaking empty space of an open door?

Charles Blow's memoir 'Fire Shut Up in My Bones' was a breathtaking piece of writing.

The most breathtaking thing about being in space is actually looking back at the Earth.

breathtaking, adj. Those moments when we kiss and surrender for an hour before we say a single word.

What gave money its true meaning was its dark-night namelessness, its breathtaking interchangeability.

Everything is so superb and breathtaking. I am creeping forward on my belly like they do in war movies.

But despite this breathtaking pace, I believe in the capacity of our democracy to meet these challenges.

I think of Canada, first and foremost, in terms of space. The amount of space available is breathtaking.

Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do.

With TV, the pace is so fast, the scripts are coming at you, the directors are firing things at you, it's breathtaking.

Vanessa Williams in person is like... the camera cannot capture how gorgeous this woman is! She is just so breathtaking.

I play beside one of the unsung heroes in David Vaughan. It's a privilege to play with him: he is breathtaking at times.

A film only works when its content works. The visuals can be breathtaking, but if the content is not good, it won't work.

There's something about the processional nature of the architecture, of the rooms connecting rooms. It's just breathtaking.

Vietnam is absolutely breathtaking. I've never been to that part of the world before and it is an area of such natural beauty.

The capacity for humans to come up with ever-increasingly granular in-group versus out-group demarcations is truly breathtaking.

Mozart tapped the source from which all music flows, expressing himself with a spontaneity and refinement and breathtaking rightness.

Congress has an obligation to protect our country's natural beauty, embodied in our nation's parks, rivers, and breathtaking landscapes.

All day I wait for my job, which I do at night, and once I get there, I walk a tightrope, jump through hoops, and take breathtaking dives.

You just remember back when you were watching as a kid and going, 'Man, Sting's so cool,' and now I'm wrestling the guy. It's breathtaking.

My connection to Dima Hasao has been very old. As a child I used to visit the place and have always been mesmerized by its breathtaking beauty.

We have breathtaking state and national parks, flourishing adventure tourism and culinary scenes and the world's best horses. And of course bourbon.

I met lot of fighter pilots and heard their breathtaking experiences. They risk their lives for our well being. Not many understand the risks involved.

One of my favorite things about America is our breathtaking collection of national and state parks, many of which boast wonders the Psalmist would envy.

I think I'd really like to live in Israel. Even for someone like myself who is not that into religion, you go to Israel, and it's breathtaking in a lot of ways.

'Vogue' and 'Vice' may appear to some to see the world through different lenses. But in my view, both are fearless and breathtaking, with unquenchable curiosity and vigor.

Waking up with beautiful views, visiting breathtaking shoot locations and meeting wonderful people along the way on our days off, all makes me feel very lucky and blessed.

Everyone should walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. I did it three days in a row because it was one of the most exhilarating experiences I've ever had. The view is breathtaking.

Reviewers said Ghost Country was rich, astonishing and affecting in the way it blended comedy, magic, and a gritty urban realism in a breathtaking ride along Chicago's mean streets.

Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.

A 'Torchwood' movie would be incredible. It would be sensational to have a beginning, a middle and an end in ninety minutes. A big walloping 'Torchwood' crunched into ninety minutes would be breathtaking.

'The Wine of Summer' is a beautiful film about love lost and found, and the complexities of life while discovering who you are. It was filmed primarily in and around Barcelona, and the imagery is breathtaking.

It is still breathtaking to me to watch people bring love, preciousness and kindness to their inner world, allowing the light of God to shine through their eyes so that the beauty of their soul can come forth.

I encourage people to take the road less travelled, explore the abundant off-beat locations. Take road trips, soak in some breathtaking experiences, and enjoy the scenic landscapes that our country has to offer.

We recognized in 1996 that, with progress in the field of genetics accelerating at a breathtaking pace, we need to ensure that advances in treatment and prevention of disease do not constitute a new basis for discrimination.

Schweitzer is where I found snowboarding; it will always have a special place in my heart and is a top-notch ski resort. It has some of the best bowl tree skiing in the world and breathtaking views of Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille.

I saw 'Purple Rain' in the summer of '84, and, 'Spinal Tap' notwithstanding, it's the greatest rock & roll film of all time. There's so much Prince coming at you that you have to remind yourself he's also a breathtaking guitar player.

Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them.

Bundesliga matches are always exciting - with low ticket prices, standing terraces means all matches are played before the highest average attendances of any professional football league and creates a thrilling and breathtaking atmosphere.

Sir Kenneth MacMillan's version of 'Romeo and Juliet' is my favorite full-length ballet, Sergei Prokofiev's breathtaking score a favorite composition of music. As a student of martial arts, I loved drawing my sword in defense of my Capulet kin.

Everyone knows that Theodore Roosevelt was able to wring so much life out of each day, every hour, every minute. And yet, when one is immersed in a detailed, retrospective review of his life, his intense living, his vigor di vita, is nonetheless breathtaking.

Innovation, especially in America, is continuing at a breakneck pace, even in areas facing substantial political or regulatory headwinds. The advances in health care in particular are breathtaking - so many selfless souls are working to advance science, and this is heartening.

What she had believed was indignation or rage or a deep intolerance for injustice came down to this: she was irreducibly in love with this bewitching planet, this thrilling life, this heartbreaking species she belonged to, with its capacity for stupefying destruction and breathtaking magnanimity.

I write what I like to read, and I enjoy love triangles in YA and adult fiction - not to mention in other media like TV, opera, theatre, and even in video games! I relish when dark and compelling characters compete for our protagonist's heart. The doubts, the uncertainty - the jealousy! - can be breathtaking.

When people think of biblical movies, they imagine sweeping epics like 'The Ten Commandments.' But 'The Gospel According to St. Matthew' is essentially a documentary about Jesus. It made me aware of how real life and personal experience can create more breathtaking, sensitive cinema than more sophisticated techniques.

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