I'm a hard cheese person and I could have it with biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I love breakfast. I could eat breakfast for every meal of the day. I can't go without eggs.

There's something magical about breakfast TV. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do.

A woman who can threaten your life before breakfast is the only sort of woman worth having.

I'd be the outsider gal who undergoes a makeover in the end [in the 'The Breakfast Club' ].

I learned more doing 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' than I did during three years at drama school.

Bacon. Crispy. Salty. I could just eat a mountain of bacon for breakfast; it's so delicious.

There is something special about breakfast TV in that people feel like they really know you.

I've got one younger brother who can do prison like his breakfast, but I'm not built for it.

Breakfast Club was great because we had a real rehearsal, and we shot primarily in sequence.

I can't tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll

I love doing 'The Breakfast Show,' I like waking up with people and it will be hard to stop.

You may as well say, 'That's a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.

If I haven't thought about six impossible things before breakfast, I consider the day wasted.

Horace smiled. "Always breakfast like a man condemned. One never knows that a day may bring."

I get up every morning and read the obituary column. If my name's not there, I eat breakfast.

I can't tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll.

When Dee Snider and I get together for breakfast, it's just two Long Island guys hanging out.

You don't go walking into the proverbial lion's den lightly. You start with a good breakfast.

I have the same breakfast I have been having for many years - oats with fruits and dry fruits.

To quit between tee and green is more habit-forming than drinking a highball before breakfast.

A basket of freshly baked pastries like scones make breakfast easy for your host the next day.

I usually wake up far after breakfast. So I have no other choice but to go straight to dinner.

My idea of Heaven is to wake up, have a good breakfast, and spend the rest of the day drawing.

Just doing any kind of work - even an interview for breakfast television - makes me feel happy.

I used to skip breakfast, but eating gets my metabolism going, so I burn more calories all day.

Non-violence is a permanent attitude we bring to the breakfast table and bring to bed at night.

The child molester skipped breakfast, but said he'd grab a little something on the way to work.

I worshiped Judd Nelson in 'The Breakfast Club' growing up. I must've seen that movie 100 times.

You certainly don't want to market the president as if he or she were a box of breakfast cereal.

Every Saturday morning when we are making breakfast, we twerk in the kitchen. It is so much fun.

What I don't like is breakfast in the morning. I have a double-espresso cappuccino, but no food.

I'm out there talking to everyone. My days are filled with breakfast, lunches, dinner and drinks.

The average American's simplest and commonest form of breakfast consists of coffee and beefsteak.

If I make the mistake of eating breakfast, I want to go back to bed and/or eat again immediately.

I am first one in the gym, I do cardio before I have breakfast, and I am training hard every day.

Eating breakfast revs our metabolic engines so that they're ready for prime calorie burn all day.

I always have to have breakfast before I leave the house, even if it's 4 A.M. and I'm not hungry.

When we're traveling for games, I always go down and have breakfast with the team - that's a must.

I love being on Aussie breakfast TV. They like people who speak their mind and tell it like it is.

I'm not the best at getting myself breakfast, but if I do, I'll normally have toast and marmalade.

I wake up around 8:30, 8:45. I eat my breakfast, hit the road by 10 A.M., and get to the gym by 11.

I never had, like, a nanny that took care of me. My mom always fed me breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I didn't forget your breakfast. I didn't bring your breakfast. Because you didn't eat your din-din.

You'll consider what you did wrong & bookend your reflections with hunger - no supper, no breakfast.

By God, I could make myself bring her that economically halved grapefruit, that sugarless breakfast.

When I get the chance to make my favorite breakfast on the weekend, I often choose to make pancakes.

When I was little, I wasn't allowed to put sugar on my breakfast cereal because it made me so hyper.

I eat the same breakfast and lunch every day, both at my desk. I employ no time-saving tricks at all.

I have always wanted to live where one could practice (golf) shots in one's pajamas before breakfast.

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