The violin is basically made of a wood box and four main strings.

Life is like a box of sardines and we are all looking for the key.

When I come out of the box, I don't come out of the box as racial.

I pride myself on breaking any box that anyone wants to put me in.

I will not retire while I've still got my legs and my make-up box.

People like to put you into a box. I'm afraid I don't sit in a box.

Obviously, sometimes I just feel like looking like a box of crayons.

All of the devices work out of the box without any subscription fee.

Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.

I don't even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box.

I always like to challenge myself. I never want to be put into a box.

A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.

The entertainment business can't thrive without putting you in a box.

9/11 was basically caused by box cutters, and that changed the world.

It's so important to never limit yourself, to find yourself in a box.

No one could put my personality in a box. I didn't necessarily fit in.

I'm trying to do different music, and I'm trying to be out of the box.

As an artist, program directors always want to put you in a little box.

I've never done a box set, and Eddie's full of it if he says otherwise.

I do kung fu. I box. I ride horses. I like to race cars in a crazy way.

'Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.

The box office isn't something I consider. If I do, I can't really work.

I am very positive. I like to box. I like my life. I am happy every day.

People who leave Washington do so by way of the box... ballet or coffin.

I'm a mac and cheese freak. Homemade or from the blue box, I'm not picky!

When you make his sandwiches, put a sexy or loving note in his lunch box.

There's no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap.

I love all types of braids. Single, multiple, box braids - I try them all.

We didn't expect 'Boom Boom Pow' to come out the box and be so successful.

In network TV, you have to present the box before you can step outside it.

What Einstein was able to do was - to use a cliche - think out of the box.

Kids and adults have sex for many, many reasons... Put out a question box.

People will say a movie bombed at the box office but I couldn't care less.

Now, DVD can represent more income than the box office-and typically does.

If you look at who drives the box office numbers at these films, it's men.

I love any excuse to dress up; my wardrobe's a bit like a fancy dress box.

When I was young I didn't care about education, just money and box office.

I would love an upgrade from the Nielsen box; it feels so antiquated to me.

You don't leave behind box office scores or how many dollars changed hands.

The closer a Negro got to the ballot box, the more he looked like a rapist.

Once you open up the Pandora's box of race and gender... you're never done.

In Colorado Springs there's nothing to do but look at the mountains and box.

I want a certificate that allows me to make as big a box office as possible.

I'll fight like a wildcat until they nail the lid of my pine box down on me.

Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, a box where sweets compacted lie.

It's really hard to not get put in a box when you're acting and get typecast.

I don't think an artist should keep themselves categorized in a specific box.

I really liked the atmosphere at Wembley, and I would like to box there, too.

It's something I have always tried to do in my career - play outside the box.

To a child, often the box a toy came in is more appealing than the toy itself.

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