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Real Madrid is the most important thing that happened to me, both as a footballer and as a person.
If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.
In both law and politics, I think the essential battle is the meta-battle of framing the narrative.
Both the man of science and the man of action live always at the edge of mystery, surrounded by it.
Man is a creature of hope and invention, both of which belie the idea that things cannot be changed.
Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.
Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.
Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness.
The rule in the art world is: you cater to the masses or you kowtow to the elite; you can't have both.
A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.
Think new thoughts. Grab life with both hands, take opportunities you have, & create the ones you need.
I'm Machiavelli's offspring, I'm the king of New York, king of the coast, one hand, I juggle them both.
He that does good for good's sake seeks neither paradise nor reward, but he is sure of both in the end.
The one charm about marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.
The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to destroy and the power to transform and resurrect.
Evolution and creationism both require faith. It's just a matter of where you choose to place that faith.
I wish I had been a better mother and a more compassionate and understanding wife in both of my marriages.
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.
Employee of the month is a good example of how somebody can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.
No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.
Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.
I believe when you meet the right person it clicks, and you both know and you start making it work, you know?
I feel so lucky to have both a son and a daughter, because there's a different relationship with each of them.
Good design to me is both appearance and functionality together. It's the experience that makes it good design.
There's no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational.
We cannot be both the world's leading champion of peace and the world's leading supplier of the weapons of war.
Earning a certificate or degree, or both, after high school opens the door to countless economic opportunities.
Both individuals and societies tell themselves stories to simplify and make sense of the messy chaos of reality.
Pigeons are gentle and smart and have complex social relationships. Their hearing and vision are both excellent.
Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.
There are both things in international law: the principle of territorial integrity and right to self-determination.
I'm against any religion, and Communism and Nazism - they're both equally religions. They're just replacement gods.
Architecture is one of the art forms best able to improve and revitalise cities both artistically and functionally.
Faith and doubt both are needed - not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.
To me, art begets art. Painting feeds the eye just as poetry feeds the ear, which is to say that both feed the soul.
In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.
As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.
A wedding dress is both an intimate and personal for a woman - it must reflect the personality and style of the bride.
Fame is fickle, and I know it. It has its compensations but it also has its drawbacks, and I've experienced them both.
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up.
The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.
My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light!
Run toward the hardest problems. This approach has helped me to learn a tremendous amount from both success and failure.
Duran always disturbs me. The guy is just weird. Before our first fight, both Duran and his wife gave my wife the finger.
Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep thoughts can be winnowed from deep nonsense.
Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood.
Both my parents are Scottish, and although I grew up in Canada after moving over, all of my family are proud to be Scots.
To create a truly digital Europe will require a foundation of high-speed, high-quality broadband, both wired and wireless.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
Humour is like violence. They both come to you unexpectedly, and the more unpredictable they both are, the better it gets.