Bored people, unless they sleep a lot, are cruel.

Bored people looked for drama and caused trouble.

... he preferred being stimulated to being bored.

Animals can be understimulated, but hardly bored.

I feel like I'm the most creative when I'm bored.

I retired when I was 30 and I was bored shitless.

I cannot be bored, and I always want to have fun.

I do not often get lonely, and I never get bored.

If you're bored in New York, it's your own fault.

There is nothing more boring than a bored person.

I don't like to work out, and I get bored easily.

I am sometimes bored by people, but never by life.

If I'm away from painting for a week, I get bored.

I'm bored. I'm not unprofessional. I'm just bored.

Being a sociologist means never having to be bored

When I get bored with something, I'm done with it.

Jesus is never bored in his relationship with you.

You can actually be bored stiff while you're dying.

I'm not bored; I'm not a guy who has nothing to do.

I am a little bored of playing negative characters.

I am not bored at all. I am not bored in the least.

An imbecile is never bored: he contemplates himself.

As long as you are curious, you will never be bored.

Usually, I get bored of my stuff almost immediately.

I write when I get bored, when I have nothing to do.

If I knew my schedule a month ahead, I'd be so bored.

We're so bored of plastic, prime-time predictability.

You don't want to see me all the time. You get bored.

I like to do things quickly because I'm easily bored.

Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me.

You're a lot better off being scared than being bored.

When people are bored it is primarily with themselves.

If you're bored and you look bored, that's your fault.

Bored by safety, the lover grows jealous and exacting.

I got bored of not feeling affectionate towards girls.

The only thing worse than being bored is being boring.

I dont know how to get bored. I need to learn to rest.

For the bored souls, sometimes sea is the best answer!

I don't get easily bored. I'm not that kind of person.

I would be bored if I had to do the same kind of roles.

I don't know how to get bored. I need to learn to rest.

Readers are lucky - they will never be bored or lonely.

Have you ever noticed how bored people are also boring?

Speak out your mind and your heart, you won’t be bored.

I get bored quickly. Always have. Short attention span.

Nothing happens. Nobody comes, nobody goes. It's awful.

You get kind of bored being in catalogues all the time.

I am not a person who can do nothing. I get very bored.

I don't think you can ever get bored of winning awards.

Only those who want everything done for them are bored.

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