Gangs Of Wasseypur' was a confidence booster for me.

I don't want to be characterized as the big booster guy.

Having your work honored nationally is a great morale booster.

Gold medal always feels great. In fact, any appreciation or acknowledgement is a great morale booster.

Whenever I need that extra confidence booster, whenever I want to feel that extra chic-edgy, I grab red lipstick.

The World University Games Gold medal was a great confidence booster for me. It highlighted my talents, my performance and dedication.

I saw the booster, not Sputnik, flying by, and I said, maybe this is the way we should be going, not just sitting back waiting for something to happen.

I think any way you can help offensively or defensively, and if you can get both in one day, that's a huge confidence booster and everyone wants to do that.

I think it's important to play. I don't think the manager needs to give you a confidence booster and say, 'You're my main man; you're the best.' Everyone wants to play.

I am a tremendous fan of the HydraFacial treatment and am thrilled to have developed my Hydraglucan Intense Hydration Booster exclusively for use with the HydraFacial system.

I used to bowl a lot at the death while bowling in the IPL, but it serves as a confidence booster that I can do a lot more with the ball at the start of the innings and at the death.

It's been a massive confidence booster to know the managers picking you each game in a position where you're playing well. It gives you a lot of belief that you're doing the right things.

It's a confidence booster for me to be known as a female who can take on any action, which is nice, to have that reputation, because then people know that when they hire me, I can actually do the physical stuff.

It is a kind of ego booster, the way Egypt's winning the 1973 war, in the first stages, was an uplift. But I did not find when I spoke to people that the war in Iraq was seen as the major issue in American-Arab relations.

My wife Gwenaelle prepares an 'energy shot' for me for breakfast. It's a mix of linseed, cereal, and raisins, with fresh fruit like kiwi. She also adds yogurt for added texture and some pollen and honey for an energy booster.

Bud Johnson, God rest his soul of fame, a tenor saxophonist. Bud was always a big, big, big booster of mine and he always when I first met Bud in Pittsburgh when he came through there, he heard me sing and he wanted me to come to Chicago.

Getting games with PSG was just a confidence booster for me. Coming into the national camp, I didn't expect to get as much game time as I'm getting. But I'm glad the coach has so much confidence in me to get me out there and get me some games.

Evolution is all about passing on the genome to the next generation, adapting and surviving through generation after generation. From an evolutionary point of view, you and I are like the booster rockets designed to send the genetic payload into the next level of orbit and then drop off into the sea.

In 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded and crashed down to Earth less than two minutes after takeoff. The cause of that crash, it turned out, was an inexpensive rubber O-ring in the booster rocket that had frozen on the launchpad the night before and failed catastrophically moments after takeoff.

There's a lot of administrator and ex-administrators and board of regents from Baylor that say that Art Briles was a scapegoat at Baylor. I've had calls from ex-chairmen of the board of regents there, current big booster there, lawyers that represent Baylor. I have not had one negative call about Art Briles.

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