I was always in hospital as a kid: I had a tumour on my knee, lots of broken bones. I loved climbing trees.

Entrepreneurship is the very back bone of our country and what makes us great - we are a nation of founders.

Don't tire yourself more than need be, even at the price of founding a culture on the fatigue of your bones.

I really do feel part of America to my very bones; at the same time, I know that I come from somewhere else.

The moment I lose weight, it shows on my face, and given how sharp my cheek bones are, it doesn't look good.

What was more humiliating, I wondered: having to beg for someone's cold chicken bones or being offered them?

I am a prosecutor in my bones. When I see something, I immediately go to: how is this going to affect a child?

Most drag queens, they put on music like it's a costume. It's not in their bones. It's not in their background.

When we did the 'Skin and Bones' tour I didn't even own an acoustic guitar, I had to borrow one from my friend.

When I vacate this sack of old bones I won't care what you do with it. Bury or burn it but don't make much fuss.

I come from the theatre; my bones are in the theatre. It's as natural as breathing to want to be in the theatre.

I do love to sing. Had I a longer set of thigh bones and a sweeter voice, I should have loved to be a performer.

A kinsman in trouble had to be saved, not blamed; anger against a brother was felt in the flesh, not in the bone.

Like many natural beauties, New York is effortlessly photogenic. It has fabulous bones and hardly any bad angles.

For me, it was much more important to continue to learn my craft as an actor and get a bit of flesh on the bones.

The road to love is littered by the bones of other ones, who by the magic of the moment were mysteriously undone.

Wall Street is littered with the bones of those who knew just what to do, but could not bring themselves to do it.

Bones tell me the story of a person's life - how old they were, what their gender was, their ancestral background.

I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.

Even my mother told me: 'You are a handsome woman, but you're not pretty. Pretty girls don't have those big bones.'

Odd that I couldn’t catch any of your dream,” Bones went on. “Normally your dreams are like background music to me.

This isn't going to be easy," I grumbled as we headed toward the exit. Bones shrugged. "Nothing worthwhile ever is.

My shoulder will never be the same. I expect you to nurse me back to health." - City of Bones (said by Jace Wayland)

You read glowing things and it doesn't feel deserved. You read things that are critical and it cuts you to the bone.

If you ain't got a fat woman, you're making a big mistake, because a big fat woman tastes as good as a T-bone steak.

There's a genetic memory that stays on your bones. What you experience when you're young, I think it stays with you.

You don't have to like your family, you don't even have to spend time with them, to know them right down to the bone.

We are simultaneously the most hated, loved, feared and admired nation on this planet. In short, we are Frank Sinatra.

My bones are as hard as a rock. Every time I have a biopsy, the doctors are doing hand exercises a week, ten days out.

'Bag of Bones' was a big, distorted yet wonderfully entertaining novel that rode high on the bestseller lists in 1998.

I just think that as much as we say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me - words do hurt.

I wasn't a regular, avid 'Bones' fan, but I'd certainly seen it. I liked the banter; I liked the people and that world.

I have funny bones. If there's ever any kind of tension, I'll always be the one to try and be funny to loosen things up.

When we were writing 'In Our Bones,' everything was bubbly champagne all the time so that's what ended up on the record.

I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass but I'd rather take the butchers word for it.

I'm interested in how the bare bones of the planet, things that aren't alive, are transformed into things that are alive.

When you do a play, you do it for a couple months, and it just gets in your bones. You can learn about somebody that way.

I miss her in my bones. I was her big brother. I was supposed to protect her - I could not... It very nearly destroyed me.

Gospel music is so ingrained into my bones. I can't do a concert without singing a gospel song. It's what I was raised on.

I woke up, a bag of bones. Literally. They had gathered up my bones and put them in a bag and thrown the bag into a river.

Ghost of Bobby: no, no you can't eat me. I'm a ghost. Stephen Colbert: That just means that there's less bones to pick out.

How could you be nervous about asking me to marry you, Bones? I'd die for you. Why wouldn't I want to live for you as well?

Strip your psyche to the bare bones of spontaneous process, and you give yourself one chance in a thousand to make the Pass.

For modern fashion designers, bones are beautiful. I don't know why, but so many people are obsessed with the skeletal look.

My problem is that I have no cartilage or tendons. My 86 kilos are supported by bones alone. That's what generated the pain.

You left me. You made a pet out of me, and then you left me. If love were food, I would have starved on the bones you gave me.

It's true to say that once I've got the bare bones of a story, I often get ideas from my own research trips to faraway places.

I have no bones to pick and no fight with society. And I'm willing to be and interested in being in the mainstream of society.

I know that I'm very lucky to be alive. For 35 or 40 years I've spilt my blood and broke my bones and spent years in hospitals.

Beauty is now defined by your bones sticking out of your decolletage. For that to be the standard is really perilous for women.

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