The tree of research must be fed from time to time with the blood of bean-counters, for it is its natural manure.

It is the sheer ugliness and banality of everyday life which turns my blood to ice and makes me cringe in terror.

She was mother not only to me but to the whole nation. She served the Indian people to the last drop of her blood.

If diamonds are a girl's best friend, I wonder if blood diamonds are a girl's best friend 5 days out of the month?

There are things in our blood that are just naturally passed down to us, whether we want to recognize them or not.

We are animal in our blood and in our skin. We were not born for pavements and escalators but for thunder and mud.

My dad's Macedonian, mum Greek... so for as long as I can remember, my uncles have talked about our warrior blood.

I never cared about whatever tragic event happened in China. It's faraway decoration, even if in blood and plague.

All is race; there is no other truth ,and every race must fall which carelessly suffers its blood to become mixed.

They say blood is thicker than water. Only in certain cases, you need water to live. You learn that in the basics.

I grow as many of our vegetables as I can, because my granddad was a professional gardener, and it's in the blood.

A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs; The world uncertain comes and goes, The lover rooted stays.

Oh God, Frankie, I breathe in rhythm with that man. You think that's not my flesh and blood after all these years?

When they tested Fatal Attraction, the audiences were so upset by her behavior, they literally demanded her blood.

The truth is not beautiful - it stands on cloven hooves - it is covered in coagulated blood - but it is the truth.

An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it.

We've been bought with a price, the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. So none of us really have any rights.

Davis is a literargy dyspeptic who had more ink than blood in his veins, an intriguer, buys with private enmities.

I'm always good mates with everyone and stay on the good side of people. I never let any bad blood between anyone.

Playwriting gets into your blood and you can't stop it. At least not until the producers or the public tell you to.

I think a lot of drama, nowadays, is character-based and development-based, but 'True Blood' is very plot-oriented.

Besides, if there were no dragons of flesh and blood and fire, whence would come the idea for these stone carvings?

When the black and mortal blood of man has fallen to the ground ... who then can sing spells to call it back again?

I created a flag from the sport's dignity. I oversee the name of my family with affection, steady nerves and blood.

It's hard to force a relationship with a stranger even if they happen to be someone you happen to share blood with.

I like the 'Cirque du Freak' books - 'Tunnel of Blood' by Darren Shan. They're set in England. It's about vampires.

I don't want to see blood spewing out but I don't mind it in controlled environment. Does it make me squeamish? No.

Scenes of blood and cruelty are shocking to our ear and heart. What man has nerve to do, man has not nerve to hear.

There may be some sins of which a man cannot speak, but there is no sin which the blood of Christ cannot wash away.

Political liberty, the peace of a nation, and science itself are gifts for which Fate demands a heavy tax in blood!

No man knows till he experiences it, what it is like to feel his own life-blood drawn away into the woman he loves.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my Mum. I know I've got Irish blood because I wake up everyday with a hangover.

I have no interest at all in food and drink, but only in slaughter and blood and the agonized groans of mangled men

This planet Earth, the act of putting a roof over our heads, our flesh and blood existence, it's all very temporary.

Ever since I was a little kid and first heard Jimmy Reed's 'Honey, Don't Let Me Go,' the blues has been in my blood.

Christ did not make the atonement when he shed his blood upon the cross. Let this fact be fixed forever in the mind.

My heart stopped twice. They had to stab me to drain the blood from my lungs because I was drowning in my own blood.

'Back to Blood' really took it out of me. While I was writing it, I just never went out anywhere, except to the gym.

I've been in the entertainment industry since I was five and it has always been something that has been in my blood.

Like a cyclone, imperialism spins across the globe; militarism crushes peoples and sucks their blood like a vampire.

There is a good look that I wear like a blood clot. I have sewn it over my left breast. I have made a vocation of it.

The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.

I believe fervently in the nature, in truth and imagination, I believe in the blood, in life, words, and motivations.

The body is not the only target of rape. Violence does not always take a visible form, and not all wounds gush blood.

We are asking the nations of Europe between whom rivers of blood have flowed to forget the feuds of a thousand years.

Hunting is a relic of the barbarism that once thirsted for human blood, but is now content with the blood of animals.

As far as our culture of humiliation goes, what we need is a revolution. Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop.

I wouldn't wear a tie-dyed tee-shirt unless it was dyed with the urine of Phil Collins and the blood of Jerry Garcia.

Race, what is that? Race is a competition, somebody winning and somebody losing. Blood doesn't run in races! Come on!

If there is work there is warmth, that when a man has freedom of movement it is enough, for then his blood is hot too

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