Blinded following the Blindfolded

I was blinded by being a romantic person.

Beware of being blinded by your own success.

Don't be blinded by the theorists and a lying press.

She blinded me with science and failed me in geometry.

Sometimes you get blinded by results rather than the process.

I'm not going to be at all pleased if you've blinded me, Henry.

Omnipotent not omniscient. We are frequently blinded by how much we see.

He was so popular you could barely look at him without being blinded by cool.

The glaring injustice is there for all who are not blinded by prejudice to see.

Most people are blinded by faith leaving them unable to see the truth that is science.

Most of us are so focused on what we don't have that we're blinded to what we do have.

That bedrock faith that I could write was what blinded me to attempts to discourage me.

So many people accept the negative. They are constantly blinded by that negative thing.

We can never completely fulfill the promise of this treasured republic if we are blinded by color.

We often get blinded by the forms in which content is produced, rather than the job that the content does.

I was a crazy young man who let himself be blinded by his passions and obeyed only the impulses of the moment.

I fell in love with beauty a long, long time ago, but what I wanted was to create beauty - not to be blinded by it.

A form of reason that in some way wished to strip itself of beauty would be diminished; it would be a blinded reason.

I do think that the emotional weight of 'Biutiful' has blinded some viewers to the beauty and complexity of the film.

In 1980 I was attacked by a dog in Spain and was temporarily blinded in one eye - I thought it would end my tennis career.

You're blinded by lights and you see all these people who come out, and it's exciting. It's scary and it's exciting all rolled into one.

I belonged to the generation that grew up under National Socialism, and was blinded and led astray - and allowed itself to be led astray.

We're often blinded by romance; we decide to not see things we don't want to see, and put up with behavior that we shouldn't put up with.

The public knows that human beings are fallible. Only people blinded by ideology fall into the trap of believing in their own infallibility.

Be it terrorists or 'blinded by greed' capitalists or 'deaf and dumb and siloed' officials, special interests will always tyrannize the common good.

Large corporations, of course, are blinded by greed. The laws under which they operate require it - their shareholders would revolt at anything less.

It may be assumed as an axiom that Providence has never gifted any political party with all of political wisdom or blinded it with all of political folly.

I'm not one of those people who's so blinded by my own work and my sweat. It's kind of risky writing a memoir when you're really part of a larger universe.

Nobody brainwashed me with God in my head or anything. I just saw this new reality, and I felt like I've been blinded, and I finally took the blindfolds off.

I have this want-to-be-liked thing, but deep down, I had this rage. I was just - I was blinded. I wasn't healthy enough to be able to learn more. I had one mode - to fight.

Whether someone wants to learn the words to a new Lady Gaga song they heard on the radio or to verify the lyrics to 'Blinded by the Light', the LyricWiki community delivers.

I think a lot of the time having someone who you, not base yourself on, but can see yourself being after a few years, you can get quite blinded by that, in the same way love can be.

I wear a hat on stage so that people won't be blinded by the reflection from my head. Also, if I don't wear a hat, there's no way that the hat can be at that level by itself on the stage.

It's my job to accept my youth, to spread my story, to let people know who I am as an individual, because there's so many people who are blinded and think less of me because of my skin color.

You don't want too much fear in a market, because people will be blinded to some very good buying opportunities. You don't want too much complacency because people will be blinded to some risk.

That's what you gonna get with me: the dark aspects of life. Of course, you've got to have some type of light in there, but if it was all light, you'd be blinded. You've got to balance them out.

Our democratic societies are in danger. In allowing ourselves to be infiltrated by fear, to be blinded by the passion of identity, we are entertaining the most serious illusions about our freedom.

I was quite a different child, I felt isolated. In time, that level of being with yourself crystallises who you are, and you can see what other people are without being blinded by what they want from you.

In Holland I have seen well-meaning, principled people blinded by multiculturalism, overwhelmed by the imperative to be sensitive and respectful of immigrant culture, while ignoring criminal abuse of women and girls.

When we think of misdirection, we think of something as looking off to the side when, actually, the things right in front of us are often the hardest to see: the things that you look at every day that you're blinded to.

How can we condemn those who are truly blinded by evil? We can't. We shouldn't. How do we bring about conversion of those living in blindness? By love. By truth in charity. By offering forgiveness. By offering mercy. With prayer.

I didn't feel the tusk go through me. But I did feel this sort of freight elevator coming down, popping the chicken bones, you know. It blinded me. Everything was black. It was bright noon day sun. You mustn't get walked on by elephants.

I was bit by a dog when I was two years old, and it almost mauled my face. It almost killed and/or blinded me. I was this close to dying at two, which is terrible. I survived it, and there was no head trauma or anything like that. Honestly, it was a miracle.

Our obsessive focus on college schooling has blinded us to basic truths. College is a place, not a magic formula. It matters what subjects students study, and subsidies should focus on the subjects that matter the most - not to the students, but to everyone else.

Maybe we should have known that night in Denver that things that begin with plywood Greek columns and artificial smoke typically don't end well. Maybe the Hollywood stars and the glamour blinded us a little: you thought it was the glare, some of us thought it was a halo.

I've heard pro-lifers yell at abortion clinic workers that they should 'Repent!' Repent of what? They don't see what they are doing as something that needs to be repented of. Why? Because they are blinded. Do you think yelling at them will remove that blindness? Not likely.

Most songwriters who have been lucky enough to have their song on the radio or be heard widely don't know anything about science. The best songs have a strong dose of metaphor. Most songs about science don't have that. Like 'She Blinded Me With Science.' It's a stupid song, no offense to Thomas Dolby.

I'm part of the generation that grew up with great rappers like 2Pac and Biggie and people like Amy Winehouse. We've seen a lot of different artists come and go. Even people who are still here, they seem consumed and blinded by fame. It may not have taken them out physically, but they have been taken out.

What I've learned by going out and playing smaller venues and being more in touch with people is getting feedback, just by virtue of being able to watch the crowd react and watch their faces instead of being blinded by 3,000 spotlights. I've realized that you can quickly get out of touch with your audience if you're not careful.

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