Blessed are they who seek to learn wisdom.

I've been blessed to live a lot of dreams.

Everything is really good and I'm blessed.

I'm very blessed with the perfect husband.

I feel blessed to have been raised a Texan.

May these vows and this marriage be blessed.

We're so blessed to have an amazing catalog.

Blessed are the dead that the rain falls on.

The Lord has blessed me more than I deserve.

I feel truly blessed by Forever 21's success.

Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind.

I am blessed with good genes and I eat right.

I'm blessed to be a blessing to someone else.

I am really blessed and very grateful for it.

I'm really blessed to have an amazing family.

I'm blessed to do what I love to do every day.

I'm blessed to have these billions of dollars.

Life is crazy, but I'm really, really blessed.

God's been very good to me. I'm truly blessed.

A nation is blessed when it has godly leaders.

I am blessed beyond reason with women friends.

For life is only life when blessed with health.

I'm just thankful to be blessed with my talent.

Charlie and I were never blessed with children.

Blessed is he or she who avoids being offended.

I have actually been very blessed in my career.

I've been blessed by God to be able to perform.

Blessed are the sat upon, spat upon, ratted on.

We are blessed and sustained by what is not said

You're blessed if you have the strength to work.

I am blessed to be a proud father of a daughter.

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing

I was blessed with a strong arm and a weak mind.

I've been blessed to be able to sing and perform.

Nobody lives forever and I've had a blessed life.

Men are slower to recognize blessings than evils.

God has blessed me with the gift of cheerfulness.

I know that I am absolutely blessed beyond belief!

The good Lord has blessed me with a great journey.

When you're in God's hands, you're always blessed.

I feel blessed to have as many comebacks as I can.

I feel so blessed, and God has been so good to me.

I've certainly been very blessed with opportunity.

Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light

I've been blessed with great hand-eye coordination.

I love film. I am very blessed to be making movies.

I'm blessed to have cool roles in these big movies.

In this mortal life, nothing is blessed throughout.

It is a curse, being blessed with so much to offer.

I feel really blessed because of where I come from.

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