I don't really eat biscuits.

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

When I eat biscuits, I also eat grits.

The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe!

You got to risk it if you want the biscuit.

Cruise the diamond district with my biscuit.

I worked the morning biscuit line at Hardee's.

Ray Charles has always been a big part of my life.

Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.

He’s a tough little son of a biscuit eater. (Bubba)

I love cheese and biscuits, the stronger the better.

I make damn good biscuits and gravy. The key is maple sausage.

You can put a cat in an oven, but that don't make it a biscuit.

Slap some bacon on a biscuit and let's go! We're burnin' daylight!

Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are a bourbon biscuit.

When I cannot write a poem, I bake biscuits and feel just as pleased.

Just because a chicken was born in the oven doesn't make it a biscuit.

You know sometimes football turns on the slightest biscuit of good fortune.

I'm a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes.

Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that doesn't make them biscuits.

A positive attitude and a sense of humor go together like biscuits and gravy.

Life was like a batch of biscuits without the baking powder: flat, flat, flat.

I want you to know that you're the hottest biscuit this side of the gravy boat.

There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.

I got fired once for putting like a packet of biscuits through a fan - I was really bored.

I'm a hard cheese person and I could have it with biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I thought about making biscuits, but there seemed to be more than enough calories on board.

It's said the FA chairman (Keith Wiseman) would travel 200 miles to open a biscuit tin. Why?

You ever dip your biscuit in your tea and it breaks. I swear now, you never get used to that.

I try cars; I try them all. Cars need to be sexy, because we're not talking about biscuits here.

I started off tagging stuff - I'm not meant to be having tea and biscuits with the prime minister.

It's weird how me and that insect are miles apart in terms of lifestyle, yet we both like a biscuit.

It's weird how quickly you get used to spray tans. You might smell of biscuits, but you feel fabulous.

Friable isn't often used of food, yet its meaning lends itself perfectly to pastry and crumbly biscuits.

My perfect night in would be lots of bad food like biscuits and chocolate, and possibly an ice cold fizzy drink.

I stay away from desserts, but every now and then, I have a sticky toffee pudding or a cup of tea with some biscuits.

I love biscuits. I have a real thing for a biscuits, and if it's not made right, I'm gonna come down hard on somebody.

I like to eat pizza and spaghetti pomodoro, and I'm crazy for dessert. I like all of them: cassata, cheesecake, biscuits.

Raising children is like making biscuits: it is as easy to raise a big batch as one, while you have your hands in the dough.

...instead of offering me a Garibaldi biscuit, she asked me with that faint lisp of hers, to 'have some squashed flies, George'.

There is an interior style we intellectuals and design policy wonks know as Haut Euro Pooftastic, which really takes the biscuit.

I'm good at anything that's country - biscuits, gravy, chicken-fried steak. Look at me, for God's sake. I cook what I like to eat.

Accidentally consumed five biscuits when I wasn't paying attention. Those biscuits are wily fellows - they leap in like sugary ninjas

Sister Mary chose that moment to come in with the tea. Satanist or not, she'd also found a plate and arranged some iced biscuits on it.

Why is it that most of the folks I know think "personal growth" is caused entirely by those second and third helpings of biscuits and gravy?

I've read hundreds of cookbooks. Most of those cookbooks don't even tell you how to get a steak ready, how to bake biscuits or an apple pie.

When I get tired, I start eating things that I wouldn't normally crave, like biscuits, because they'll give me a bit of energy to keep going.

Biscuits are sweet things in Britain, and apparently in America a biscuit is something like a scone, something savory that you'd have with soup.

I tell my clients to feel powerful - you and only you own your power. You are the one who can make yourself eat right, work out and not touch the biscuits.

I pretty much grew up with my grandma. She would pull a stool over to the kitchen, and I would climb up at the kitchen counter, and I'd help her make biscuits.

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