I've learned to accept birth and death . . . but sometimes I still worry about what lies between.

The birth of the African Union should encourage us to reexamine relations between African States.

I'm 100 percent Irish by birth, grew up Italian, and yet I constantly get cast as playing Jewish.

A theory can be proved by experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a theory.

Between our birth and death we may touch understanding, As a moth brushes a window with its wing.

Why did I not know that birth is the pinnacle where women discover the courage to become mothers?

Death, after all, is the common expectation from birth. Neither heroes nor cowards can escape it.

The two big advantages I had at birth were to have been born wise and to have been born in poverty.

The birth of science rang the death-knell of an arbitrary and constantly interposing Supreme Power.

What is birth to a man if it shall be a stain to his dead ancestors to have left such an offspring?

Truth never comes into the world but like a bastard, to the ignominy of him that brought her birth.

You don't touch my face! It's a birth right! This was given to me by God! You do not touch my face!

Who is going to cast out an error to which he has given birth and replace it with an adopted truth?

I wish the world was run by women. Women who have given birth and know the value of their creation.

Many discoveries must have been stillborn or smothered at birth. We know only those which survived.

Joys do not fall to the rich alone; nor has he lived ill of whose birth and death no one took note.

My best moment of 2011 would definitely be the birth of my daughter six weeks ago, on September 25.

But oh! each visitation Suspends what nature gave me any my birth, My shaping spirit of Imagination.

I had amazing midwives when I first became a teen-aged mom, and each of the five times I gave birth.

I want to be here, for my family. I want to be here for my baby. I want to see the birth of my baby.

I am still searching for the expression of those confused sensations that we bring with us at birth.

I told her I knew when I was going to die because my birth certificate had an expiration date on it.

I'm not saying my mother didn't like me, but she kept looking for loopholes in my birth certificate.

Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science.

I wanna never have birth and fail as a father. I would never want the illness that killed in my Nana

The instant feeling I had after I gave birth was you couldn't get that baby in my hands fast enough.

I wouldn't put it past God to arrange a virgin birth if He wanted, but I very much doubt if He would.

If you really want a humanized birth, the best thing you can do is stay the hell out of the hospital.

What we celebrate at Christmas is not so much the birth of a baby, but the incarnation of God Himself

We all have same beginning (BIRTH), and we will have same ending (DEATH). So how different can we be?

From the moment of birth we are immersed in action, and can only fitfully guide it by taking thought.

My natural mother died one month after I was born, apparently due to giving birth at an advanced age.

We have entered the cell, the Mansion of our birth, and started the inventory of our acquired wealth.

Our Savior's birth is the ultimate reminder that miracles happen and often when we don't expect them.

Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is the birth in the spiritual.

Births to illegal immigrants now account for nearly one out of every ten births in the United States.

The birth of Jesus made possible not just a new way of understanding life but a new way of living it.

It is simply a fact that the birth rate of our illegal immigrants exceeds that of our legal residents.

By birth and upbringing, I think I'm emotionally resilient. I don't feel like I'm a depressive person.

The typical white American woman in 1800 gave birth seven times; by 1900, the average was down to 3.5.

To give birth is a fearsome thing; there is no hating the child one has borne even when injured by it.

The appearance of a single great genius is more than equivalent to the birth of a hundred mediocrities

Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.

Death belongs to life as birth does The walk is in the raising of the foot as in the laying of it down

I keep wondering if everybody on the political left had someone who they were separated at birth from.

I wanted to be a 'jungle mom', where you're giving birth and getting up and doing things straightaway.

No one is an environmentalist by birth. It is only your path, your life, your travels that awaken you.

Being American is not a matter of birth. We must practice it every day, lest we become something else.

While I have no desire to see Mr. Obama's birth certificate, I do want to see his college transcripts.

Ordering a man to write a poem is like commanding a pregnant woman to give birth to a red-headed child.

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