There's an old saying that the government is your partner from birth, but they don't get to come to all the meetings.

Barack Obama could solve this problem and get the birthers to back off... by showing his long form birth certificate.

I do believe in that thing about the reading audience being very important to the formation of the novel at its birth.

Conservatives believe that from the standpoint of the federal government, life begins at conception and ends at birth.

Well, there's no one at all, they do be saying, but is deserving of some punishment from the very minute of his birth.

I've never actually given birth to a child, but I suspect that going to a Justin Bieber concert with a child is close.

I'm first and foremost an Irishman, by birth, by nature, by soul, but an American citizen through and through as well.

I have transmitted genetic material, all I have to do between my daughters' birth and my death is to decorate my life.

They best can judge a poet's worth, Who oft themselves have known The pangs of a poetic birth By labours of their own.

All transitory titles I detest; a virtuous life I mean to boast alone. Our birth's our sires'; our virtues be our own.

Our institutions of freedom will not survive unless they are constantly replenished by the faith that gave them birth.

My mother always tells this story: The day she gave birth to me, she looked down and said, 'Oh, yay. I got a gay one.'

I am tremendously moved anytime anyone gives birth to something from deep within themselves that is pure and authentic.

It is a rare privilege to watch the birth, growth, and first feeble struggles of a living mind; this privilege is mine.

If I do find pride, I'll not find it in what I was or what I am, but what I may become. Not in my birth, but in myself.

Piety sometimes gives birth to scruples, and faith to superstition, when they are not directed by wisdom and knowledge.

Doth not a man die even in his birth? The breaking of prison is death, and what is our birth, but a breaking of prison?

Remember, most of us got something for nothing the first time just by showing up here at birth. Now we have to qualify.

The emphasis on the birth of Christ tends to polarize our pluralistic society and create legal and ethnic belligerence.

Christ's resurrection is the ground-work of our hope. And the new birth is our title or evidence of our interest in it.

Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the young but never the actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event.

Can a Congress worker ever think of becoming a Prime Minister? No. Because that seat is reserved by birth in that party.

Donald Trump has told me that he is proud of the fact that he finally got Barack Obama to produce his birth certificate.

When real nobleness accompanies that imaginary one of birth, the imaginary seems to mix with real, and becomes real too.

I don't know where [Obama is from] I don't think he's from where they issue birth certificates – I think he's from Hell.

Also she signed away the right to self-destruct years ago. The fine print on the birth certificate, her friends call it.

I will always admit immediately to what’s obvious, which is that homo sapiens is inherently erotic or sensual from birth.

At my age, I'm often asked if I'm frightened of death and my reply is always, I can't remember being frightened of birth.

I am quite above physical death and believe it to be only the birth throes for a much purer life in a much purer draping.

The egg, you see, is a very sexy thing. Egg is like birth. Eggshell is sexy. Egg yolk is definitely sexy. Oh, I love egg.

By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim and a Hindu only by accident of birth.

I call it the birth vision - what we are called to accomplish. If we follow this calling, we help spiritualize the planet.

Egypt gave birth to what later would become known as 'Western Civilization,' long before the greatness of Greece and Rome.

The work I do when I'm not making music is very much about service, helping women give birth or aiding in family planning.

Natural Family Planning works and is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than the birth control methods out there.

Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth.

I believe the moment of birth Is when we have knowledge of death I believe the season of birth Is the season of sacrifice.

My giving birth was nothing when I think about all the people in Sri Lanka that have to give birth in a concentration camp.

To say that a single human being, because of his birth, becomes an untouchable, unapproachable or invisible is to deny God.

Death, like birth, is one of nature's mysteries, the combining of primal elements and dissolving of the same into the same.

As ecstatic as I was at the birth of my daughter, I felt selfish bringing her, and later my son, into our screwed-up world.

If religion has given birth to all that is essential in society, it is because the idea of society is the soul of religion.

My mother gave birth to me at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia. A short while later we were living in Stuttgart, Germany.

I am part of the part that once was everything, Part of the darkness which gave birth to light… Mephistopheles, from Faust.

There is something about a poet which leads us to believe that he died, in many cases, as long as 20 years before his birth.

On social media, we have a lot of fans. It's so important to me to spread awareness of premature babies and premature birth.

... Virtue owns a more eternal foe Than Force or Fraud: old Custom, legal Crime, And bloody Faith the foulest birth of Time.

We who were born were not witnesses to our birth: like death, it is something we are forever after trying to catch sight of.

Our soft hearts are what tell us that, whatever the circumstances of birth, everyone must be given opportunities to do well.

I love being a mother. I loved being a daughter, a sister, a wife. I love being a woman with men. I love having given birth.

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