When the bird and the book disagree, believe the bird.

Because when he sings...even the birds stop to listen.

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.

It's a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds' cries.

If you hold a bird too tightly, you'll crush its wings

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.

Without birds, trees would be very lonely and men too!

Her days come and go like birds, her dreams like days.

You'll know what kind of bird I am when I fly over you.

My father always said, 'Malala will be free as a bird.'

A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers.

You must not think, sir, to catch old birds with chaff.

A man is not a bird, to come and go with the springtime.

If only the best birds sang, the forest would be silent.

I don't have feathers, but I feel like a bird sometimes.

One should be light like a bird, and not like a feather.

Birds sing on a bare bough; O, believer, canst not thou?

I know I don't own Big Bird, but I own his soul, I feel.

I showed it is possible to fly a little bit like a bird.

As far as what I do love, I love birds; I love lavender.

Sweetie, nothing that flies looks safe, including birds.

Your home is your jail, Bird. I'm going to set you free.

The forest is a quiet place if only the best birds sing.

Marriage, as an institution, is as dead as the dodo bird.

Hempseed produces no observable high for humans or birds.

Was never secret history but birds tell it in the bowers.

Once a bird kid, always a bird kid. - maximum ride series

Little Bird if you don't sing for me I will make you sing

You put a big bird in a small cage, it'll sing you a song

I used to think a bird couldn't fly if its wings got wet.

Stories are like birds flying, here and gone in a moment.

How can I be in two places at once, unless I were a bird?

Adam Scott sings like a bird... He's so bad. He's so bad.

I shot him the bird. (Get it? I shot him the—never mind.)

As they say - a bird in the hand is worth one in the bush.

The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation.

Investment is a flighty bird which needs to be controlled.

Be not like the bird that sees the seed, but not the trap.

The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation.

I became completely addicted to 'Angry Birds' for a while.

He who frees a bird from its cage is surely a holy person!

Better a sparrow, living or dead, than no birdsong at all.

I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.

Little Bird if you do not sing for me, I will wait for you

When Beethoven went deaf, the mynah bird just used to mime.

Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. America is a great country.

The early bird gets the worm. The early worm... gets eaten.

Twelve to 15 years of acting school, and I am being a bird.

A rare bird upon the earth and very much like a black swan.

Man is the plumeless genus of bipeds, birds are the plumed.

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