I wish we did, in a way, grow up in the forest and we didn't all just post bikini pictures and work out just to look good.

Luv Ranjan does not believe in bikini bodies. Therefore, he always insists that we look like relatable characters onscreen.

The original way to play beach volleyball was in a bikini and board shorts, and I don't know what else they want us to wear.

When I'm in a bikini or at a photo shoot, I'm real confident. But, if I'm in a group of people I don't know, I'm really quiet.

I am Armenian, so of course I am obsessed with laser hair removal! Arms, bikini, legs, underarms... my entire body is hairless.

I feel that I owe a lot to SpongeBob and all Bikini Bottom for helping me figure out what I thought was funny and entertaining.

Moreover, there is nothing wrong in wearing a bikini or other skimpy attires, as many of my predecessors have set a trend in it.

One time, I was posing on a car for a calendar shoot. I was doused with oil and literally slid off the car, bikini, heels and all!

I have no problems exposing to any extent. However when I gave my first bikini shot, it was quite tough facing the public out there.

Listening to Bikini Kill's Kathleen Hanna gave me the confidence I needed to get up on stage and be photographed every night on tour.

Everybody can rock a bikini, swimsuit, unicorn onesie... whatever floats your boat. If you wear it with confidence, you will look hot.

I like what I see in the mirror. I liked what I saw in the mirror before. It just didn't work in a bikini. And now it does. So I'm excited!

I started thinking: 'Okay, what's wrong with wearing a bikini? I look better than I looked in quite a few years, so why not? What am I afraid of?

A girl in a bikini is like having a loaded pistol on your coffee table - There's nothing wrong with them, but it's hard to stop thinking about it.

When I signed with WWE I was really happy that they had the PG thing going on. I thought, 'Yes! No more bra and panties matches, no bikini contests.'

I really did put up all my wedding pictures on my website. And I swear to you, my wedding pictures got downloaded just as much as my bikini pictures.

I don't wear a bikini on the beach. I walk around my house in pyjamas. I haven't seen myself naked in the mirror for probably a decade. I'm very prudish.

I go to lectures and girls are finding out about Bikini Kill or Le Tigre for the first time and are like,' This is my jam!' It still feels fresh to them.

I know wearing a bikini is a thing a lot of women dread, but I keep up my training regime whether it's winter or summer, so my body always stays the same.

You know, a balance-sheet is like a bikini, it shows more but it hides what is vital. I learnt to read a balance sheet and then I got fascinated by stocks.

I've had inquiries for things like TV show 'Splash,' where people go out in front of the whole nation in a bikini. But I think bikinis are just for the beach.

I did some glamorous roles and even wore a bikini in the Telugu film 'Drona,' but the audience was aghast. Some said, 'Please don't ever wear a bikini again!'

I never did a nude shoot, I always kept myself limited to bikini shoots. This, however, does not mean that I look down on individuals who pose nude for shoots.

I never thought in a million years I'd be that healthy girl who wakes up every morning to exercise. After being called 'cherubic and chubby,' I'm rocking a bikini!

I used to be very into fitness and would happily pose for photos in my bikini. Now I look at those and think, 'Where did that body go?' But that was before children.

So if I get pegged as a bikini girl, that's fine, and that can still translate into acting or other areas. But, no, I don't wanna be doing bikini shoots my whole life.

I have a flat tummy, but I'm not rock hard. If I'm going to be in a bikini, I'll train more and skip desserts for a couple of weeks. But usually, I work out to feel good.

In private, I may wear a bikini, but at the public beach with my kids, I would change bathing suits because they do not want to be hanging out with some old broad in a bikini.

Your bikini should compliment your dress, and they should work together to frame your body. It's just like layering a T-shirt under a blazer. Just keep your proportions in mind.

I used to be a workout fiend and I was so unhappy because I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. So now if I know I have to be in a bikini, I'll obviously watch what I eat for a week.

I want to get fitter. And yes, I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body. I don't believe one has to sport a size-zero figure to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body.

Oh, how I regret not having worn a bikini for the entire year I was 26. If anyone young is reading this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don't take it off until you're 34.

There's nothing wrong in sporting a bikini. If the director wants to shoot you in a pool, you cannot be wearing denims or a saree - you need to be dressed accordingly to the situation.

I used to be very shy. When I first started, I had to go to a casting, and I had to go in a bikini. I thought I was too skinny. But I went in and got the job! And that's how I started.

I loved all that riot-grrl scene and Nation of Ulysses and Bikini Kill and Huggy Bear. I loved it. It was the moment sort of first growing up where bands had stopped looking like roadies.

I'm actually most comfortable when I'm in a bikini, running around on the beach, like, no makeup. It's really free-feeling, whereas I'm always having to get dressed up and putting makeup on.

The sight of the first woman in the minimal two-piece was as explosive as the detonation of the atomic bomb by the U.S. at Bikini Island in the Marshall Isles, hence the naming of the bikini.

I am not comfortable wearing a bikini in real life, why should I agree to wear one on screen? A swimsuit becomes like a dress when you wrap a sarong over it, so there was no objection to that.

For me, it's all about healthy eating and working out. If I have to look slim for a bikini, then I will eat lots more salad and fruit, which are low in calories and don't make you look bloated.

I wear clothes that most people in the Midwest would probably deem inappropriate at my age. And I rock a bikini all summer long. I know that it's not normal, but I just don't care. I live once.

Trying to conceal the fact that I was a gay, effeminate, hyperactive, adopted child with a serious lisp in southern Louisiana would have been like trying to hide Dolly Parton in a string bikini!

We were so fed up with how we had to be the stereotypical girl who looks perfect in the music video: she's coming out of the water in a bikini with her long tan legs. Not all of us are that girl.

Not one person would admit that they didn't want me to wear a bikini because of their aesthetic preference - a preference that is shaped by our cultural perceptions of what is and isn't beautiful.

In the days before I had kids I used to take six books with me for a fortnight's holiday. My suitcase used to be full of big trashy novels, maybe a bikini and some flip-flops. It was all I needed.

They both go together; you can't be in front of the camera hosting a fitness television show in front of 75 million households and not have trained 6 days per week year round - in a bikini no less.

I don't agree with beauty contests. I did it one time. It wasn't embarrassing being Wonder Woman; it was embarrassing walking around on stage in a bikini. It was ridiculous, stupid, and humiliating.

I don't want to say, 'This is where Im going to be in five years and Im going to get there no matter what.' I want to leave it open. I'm not a desperate actress dying to star in a B movie in a bikini.

In the past, I used to work out but not eat much. That would store extra fat in my body. Once I started eating healthy, the results came in faster. That gave me the confidence to don a bikini on screen.

Today, you can gain a bunch of followers doing a dance in a cute bikini, and suddenly, you're a superstar. Or you could just be a beautiful girl posting pictures of yourself and get discovered that way.

It's funny because looking back at my first contest, I was 15 and surfing the Haleiwa contest wearing this tiny bikini. I remember not even thinking twice about wearing it - I just thought it was normal.

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